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Friday, May 26, 2017

big trouble in big sky country

The bonobos were known as the hippies of the great ape world.  They do indeed engage in sex all the time, but it's not for dominance it is to defuse confrontations so that nobody gets beat up.  What a more pleasant place our battlefields would be if we had gone down the path of the bonobos.

How differently things might have gone down in Montana if we were like the bonobos though it makes me a bit squeamish to think of that.  Does remind me of that other guy, the wide stance man from big sky country, had to look him up and found him, Larry Craig, by googling wide stance senator.  Actually all I had to google was side stance and google supplied the senator.  It was actually Idaho, but Idaho, Montana, potato, potana.  I hear if you go to the Minneapolis airport a little nosing around can find you the exact restroom, and sure enough cyber sleuthing reveals that there is a fb  page dedicated to the Larry Craig Memorial Restroom.

Meanwhile back in Montana I wake up to find out that Gianforte had won the election even after body slamming that reporter.  Well if you listen to the tape you'll hear the reporter complain that Gianforte had broken his glasses.

Hey you broke my glasses.  Isn't that the whine of weenies everywhere?  Remember fights?
There were the schoolyard fights, sometimes you just started swatting each other, but generally it was a more formal affair with a circle of fans surrounding you and shouting encouragement, and as a I recall defeat meant that you had to eat grass,  Things were still more formal in high school, taking on almost the trappings of a duel, with each side attending to their champion,and maybe some rules like no hitting below the belt, and no biting being decided on.

Things became more formal still after high school when typically the challenge was issued by an invitation to step outside, typically of a bar.  I remember once following two guys out of a bar in an attempt to be a peacemaker and the next thing you know one guy was handing me his coat, and then the other guy handed me his coat, and there I am standing holding their coats while they are still jawing at each other and my girl friend passed by and looked at me disgusted and walked on.  I had some 'splaining to do.  And then the two guys never did throw a punch.  Actually that was the way the adult fights most often ended up, some nasty words, some face to face jawing and then a gradual withdrawal, and nobody's coat got dirty and nobody's glasses got broken.  Well I guess that is more civilized, and probably better even than the bonobo way, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Anyway it turns out that Gianforte won, 51 percent to 44 percent, not a wide margin for a ruby red state, but a win nonetheless.  Last night I saw them interviewing a couple cowpokes and the one guy said the body slam made him like slammer more and the other guy said that he didn't trust anything he heard from the media.  This morning I heard that the victor's crowd was disappointed when he apologized for the body slam.

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