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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Not news

There are a lot of layers to any Russian/Trump connections, but I wish that the many news sources would quit speculating and let the investigations run their course.  You see the word "if" mentioned a lot, but it means nothing until all the facts are in; makes me wonder if there isn't something to the "fake news" accusations after all.  Not fake in the sense that the stories are based on lies but fake meaning it is not real but based on conjecture, and mountains are being made out of molehills.

For example, look at the arrest of Tiger Woods for suspicion of DUI.  Maybe he had a reaction to medications, maybe he drunk out of his mind, but so what?  It is hardly worth all the news coverage it has received.  Media continues to blur the line between news and gossip.


One facet of Russian involvement may have to do with Trump's finances.  My understanding is that New York banks were unwilling to have any further involvement with Trump and the only lender he could find was Deutschebank, but they had troubles of their own and he had to look elsewhere.  Enter the Russians; Donald Jr. once stated how much money was coming in from Russia, so maybe the Trump financial house of cards is on the hook to the Russkies, bigly.

That possibility handily explains why Jared Kushner was trying to establish back channels with the Russians, using Russian networks.  It would keep their financial entanglements from the prying eyes of US government regulators, and it's simply a business arrangement with nothing to do with politics.

Which hearkens back to one of the purported reasons why Trump sought the presidency.  It was not to lead the free world but a means to enhance his "brand" and expand his business opportunities.  An old adage of criminal investigations is "follow the money" and we have yet to learn where it will lead, but I suspect we will witness a scandal of epic proportion. 

So far, the only result I've seen of this nonsense is the growing strength and influence of the European Union.  Trump's recent visit has galvanized them into solidarity and they are ready to assume the leadership of the free world, a position long held by the US.  It could be worse, I suppose,  Maybe they can keep the Russians honest.


It's hard to believe that Trump has been in office less than five months, it seems like years.  Has so much news coverage been given to anyone who has accomplished so little?  It's funny how often Trump is being compared to Nixon.  Say what you will about Tricky Dick, at least he had a sense of honor.  He resigned.

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