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Monday, August 1, 2016

No Microwave?

I never heard of a microwave oven being called "hoity-toity" before. Is that a North Side thing? Microwaves are really handy for warming up leftovers, and also for cooking the Beaglesonian no-fry breakfast. We always used to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast until I got that bleeding ulcer back in 2008 and I couldn't eat anything fried for awhile. We concocted this as an alternative, and have been eating it ever since.

1. Open a 5 oz. can of Hormel canned ham, drain off excess liquid in the sink, and cut it in half. Give one half to your significant other, or wrap it in tinfoil and put it in the fridge for tomorrow's breakfast. Chop the other half up on a paper plate, cover with Saran wrap, and pre-warm it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
2. Crack two eggs into a Pyrex or other microwave safe bowl. Tear a slice of American cheese into pieces and add it to the eggs. Now add the pre-warmed ham and thoroughly stir everything up with a fork. No need to add salt, there will be plenty of it from the ham and the cheese. Cover the bowl with Saran wrap, you can re-use the same piece that you used for the ham if it's in decent shape. Cook in the microwave for 2 to 2 and 1/2 minutes, depending on how you like your eggs.
3. Meanwhile, start your toast so that it will be done about the same time as the main dish. Recycle the paper plate that you used to pre-warm the ham as a toast plate.
4. When the microwave dings, remove the Saran and stir everything up again before eating. Careful, the bowl may be hot to the touch.

We have our primary election tomorrow, and we've been getting all kinds of phone spam for weeks. If it's a live person, I tell them to shut up and leave me alone, and then I hang up. If it's a recording, I push all the buttons at random until they stop talking, then I hang up.

Some time ago, our state legislature passed a law saying that we couldn't vote a straight party ticket anymore. Well, we can still vote straight party, but we have to go down the line and check each candidate individually, there will be no box at the top to check once and be done with it. I don't know why they passed such a stupid law, nobody asked them to. It serves no useful purpose, and it will just cause people to stand in line longer. Recently, a federal judge overturned the law, but not because of the reasons I mentioned. He said that the law discriminates against Blacks, and the fact that 20 other states have passed similar laws is "irrelevant". Apparently, Blacks tend to vote straight party more than Whites, at least the judge thought so. I don't know where he got that information, but I have heard that Blacks tend to vote Democrat, and the Republicans are currently in control of our legislature and governorship. Did they think that prohibiting straight party voting would cause more Blacks to vote Republican? Anyway, the judge's ruling is being appealed as we speak.......Our tax dollars at work!

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