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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Again with the Hoity-Toity

"Hoity-toity" isn't a north side thing, only a dumb choice of words.

I used to have a microwave in my previous apartment but it was too big for the smaller kitchen in the new place; no counter space and a lack of accessible outlets.  I don't miss it.  Except for reheating some stuff and popcorn it didn't get much use. 

The use of pots and pans on a gas range is my preferred method of cooking, with cast iron or stainless steel only.  Never liked aluminum for cooking that much although it has it's place for non-acidic foods.  I guess we all make do with the tools we have on hand.


Does the freehold use propane for cooking, or is it strictly electric?  I recollect that propane was problematic in the winter due to poor pressure but I'm not sure.  And you couldn't use any regular gas appliance; you needed different nozzles or something.

I don't know if I could get used to cooking on an electric range, although electric is supposed to be more precise for baking in the oven.  There is something about the open fire that I find appealing, engaging, and easy to adjust by looking at it.  The pretty blue color is nice, too.


It looks like CarrotTop is already planning his excuses for his eventual loss in November.  When elected Repubs come out and say they're voting for the Big Girl you know something's up.  Traditional media (newspapers) have been brutal, especially the Washington Post, and they're not easing up.

And who the hell eats fried chicken with a knife and fork?  That, my friends, is truly hoity-toity.

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