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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

the joys of cheboygan

Oh somebody should have written a book about the myths that circulate among teenage boys.  I'm sure I heard once or twice from somebody who had purportedly used spanish fly with spectacular results.  Remember those ads in the back of comic books for throwing your voice or for 3-D glasses,  What a wondrous world lay before us with all kinds of devices and potions.

If you don't remember anti abortion strictures put on by your republican infested legislature, maybe you are too busy turning off the tv whenever you see a black or a gay or a Hispanic to catch the news or maybe you are to busy doing internet research on spanish fly to google Michigan anti abortion laws.  Here is the first article of many I came across when I did the google search:

It's the usual clinic abortion harassment, all kinds of rules and regs that are difficult and expensive to implement and drive clinics in the small towns out of business.  I expect the ones in more populated areas get enough business to stay open, and they also get the girls from the small towns who make that long journey because nobody in their small smug towns stands up for their right to have an abortion.

That last paragraph, I think you just put that in to get a rise out of me.  Strange choice of words that this gay thing is becoming a pain in the ass.  Do I see a Freudian slip there?  And then I notice that while on the first round they are Blacks, Hispanics, and gays, but by the second round they have become Negroes and homos, and our latino buddies have kind of dropped out of the mix.  Perhaps you are a fan of Sabado Gigante and like seeing the toothy girls in their skimpy costumes singing and dancing.

Is that what you see them doing, the gays, hispanics, and blacks, singing and dancing?  But they are pretty good singers and dancers unlike us club footed, off key, dull and boring white folks.  But I expect, and by the way they are not on tv all the time, and I think that what you mean by all the time is at all, you'd just as soon never see them because probably what pisses you off is that they are complaining, whining about not having the rights of or being persecuted more than straight white people. 

But isn't that the American way, petitioning for your rights?  Oh, I'm not going to use logic here, this is just a xenophobic rant by an old man for the way things used to be when he was young.  These rants are a dime a dozen and it doesn't suit a person of my sophistication to waste time refuting them.

I guess the gays and blacks and hispanics of Cheboygan never complain because the rest of you, you straight white Real Americans treat them so well.  I've heard that that guy in the freehold is married to his gay dog.

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