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Monday, April 20, 2015

democracy and fine cuisine

I guess I am a north sider now.  I live just four short blocks north of Madison, but most everywhere I go besides downtown is north.  There are still white folks on the south side but they live west by Midway airport and south by Beverly, and the Bridgeporters, they are still there, and actually some formerly black enclaves by 35th, and 79th by the lake are now getting a sprinkling of whites.

I think you have stumbled upon the true essence of democracy.  When you think you are getting the short end of the stick, make a public spectacle of yourselves, show everybody else that you are pissed, and also that there are a lot of you. and that you vote.  If you don't do anything and just wait for your wrongs to be redressed it probably isn't going to happen. 

And of course your people do it too.  A couple years ago you couldn't turn on your tv without seeing a bunch of tea party types in their silly hats and that flag with the cut up snake (actually that snake flag was also a favorite with us sixties types, but we didn't go for the hats.  It's not that we didn't love costumes, we certainly did, but those hats were full of dangly stuff and passing the joint around you were likely to set the hat on fire and then there goes your hair, your long beautiful hair), but those seem to have died out now.  When is the last time you saw a tea party demonstration?

I suppose that you don't need to, now that you have the republican party by the nuts, though lately I see where the moderates, the despised RINOs, are charging right back.  Nineteen republicans running for president, and don't tell me they won't be making a heap big spectacle of themselves.

I see where common core is going to be a big issue.  Common core was just meant to set up some standards so that we could see if kids were learning what they are supposed to be learning.  It's just readin, n ritin n rithmetic, and at one point most all the republicans were for it, but now, except for Jeb Bush I think, they are every man Jack and Carly Fiorina agin it.  I think somewhere along the line Obama came out in favor of it, and if he's for it, they gotta be agin it.

Here's something about regulating guns and abortions.  If you regulate clinics out of business, then you can cut down on abortions because generally young pregnant girls are pretty poor and don't have the means to travel three or five hundred miles to get an abortion.  But if you regulate gun stores out of your neighborhood, it is not a problem at all for somebody to drive to the next state and fill his trunk full of guns and bring them back and sell them.

Really, you like Subway, that soft doughy bread, those condiments made of cardboard?  Ugh.  I don't think you can call Taco Bell Mexican food, it's more like how many different dishes can you create out of flour tortillas, some shredded cheese, some meatlike stuff.  You never see anything like the stuff they sell there in a Mexican restaurant, and in fact you never, never, find a Mexican in a Taco Bell.  Having said all that, I have a soft spot for Taco Bell. I like something they call a Mexican pizza which you certainly won't find down Mexico way, and nachos, who doesn't like nachos?

I like spicy food.  It always makes me feel like I am getting more for the money.  We Bohunks like that.

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