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Friday, April 10, 2015

little randy the peacemaker

I guess I had to look it up then.  There was an abortion legalization initiative in Michigan in 1972 and it failed by 60/40 which is substantial, but it's not two to one.  You know the city of Chicago certainly didn't want concealed carry, but the supreme court jammed that down our throats.

But you are a legal scholar Beagles, and surely you know the law of the land is the law of the land, and if the feds decide one way the states have to follow.  Also the supremes technically decide things on a legal principle that has nothing to do with how the majority of a particular state, or indeed of the country feels about the issue.  I say technically because probably politics enters into it on some level, but we are frail humans.

You know you guys, you tea party types, whenever the court goes your way you are all smug smiles, but when it doesn't you are all up in arms at the great injustice and making a racket, and there you are in your crazy hats on every tv channel shouting and hollering and all I want to see are gays and blacks and hispanics dancing and singing.

When you say a town has all kinds of people most people would expect blacks and hispanics to be in attendance, and some religions besides Christianity.  What you should have said is that you have all kinds of white Christians and a few Indians.  Compared to most of the country you are not representative at all.

The reason a person who is half black is considered black is because that is the way white people have chosen to label them.  Any drop of black blood in a person made them black.  I'm sure you know this, but the way you phrased it but, of course, the White half doesn't count.  makes it sound like you think this is some injustice to white people.

I'll agree that blacks are no longer held back by law, but their dismal start as slaves left them pretty poor at the time of emancipation and after that there were still laws that held them back and wouldn't let them vote.  Maybe most of those laws were swept aside late in the sixties, but that leaves only fifty years for them to catch up, from a starting line very far behind the starting line for most whites in the race for the riches.  And of course there is still discrimination going on, as you said, you don't have to say you are not hiring the guy because he is black, you're just not hiring him for some other reason.

The Supreme Court MADE us say diversity instead of quotas?  The Supreme Court?  MADE us?  Have a little respect for The Institute Beagles.  Maybe you can make up crap like this with the rural white Christians of Cheboygan, but surely you don't expect this to go over with the vast cosmopolitan audience that reads the blog daily.

Wow you think that little Randy can bring together the rinos and the teapots?  I didn't know that Michigan had legalized pot, legalized it and made it mandatory, made it mandatory and mandated only the strongest buds.  Jesus H Christ Hisself, if he promised them eternal life if they got together, and an eternity of fire and brimstone if they didn't, would end up watching them all descend.  And they would be doing it with smiles on their faces knowing the other side was going to hell too.

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