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Thursday, April 16, 2015

pour me another cup

I do drink coffee in the morning.  It does get me perky, but I am perky without it too, in the morning.  Time was I would close the bar every night, which wasn't so bad because the bars closed at one, but then I would sit in my kitchen and drink beer and type out stories, that never amounted to much, for a couple more hours and sleep till shortly before noon.  Anymore I am a five to nine guy.

I never said YOU wrote the law to be misleading.  I never said you wrote the law at all, and I didn't say you passed it.  The people you voted in wrote it, and it is a little disturbing that you, a bulwark of democracy, the informed voter, were not aware of their intentions.  But it is no big deal since had you been informed you would have driven to the polls to cast your vote a little faster, there would have been a bigger spring in your step when you left the polling place.

I don't remember how it started, I think you said that no abortion clinics had been shut down in Michigan, maybe you said there were none in Greater Cheboygan, but that is like an area of 40,000 people.  I would be surprised to learn that you had a Taco Bell.

Anyway I merely wanted to point out that abortion clinics in Michigan had indeed been closed down, and while I was at it I decried the way the guys that did it pretended they were doing it only for the safety of the clinic clients.  Oh both sides do it all the time, note how I included my own people with that war on women thing, but I wanted to decry this self-serving bullshit because I am, as a Beaglesonian Institute Fellow, a champion of the shining sword of truth.

And I include in that what I think is a little dishonesty on your part in claiming that you are not a Republican when in all ways you behave like one. 

I expect that if you pick any little hamlet anywhere in the world, you would find that it has all kinds of people, short people, tall people, fat people, skinny people, rich people, poor people, good people, bad people, in that sense every little town has all kinds of people.  But in general, what people in the rest of the country mean when they speak of all kinds of people is not a community that is over 90 percent white and Christian.

I don't understand your fascination is with Indians and Frenchmen.  The census takes people at their word, the tribal chiefs surely only allow a certain few to share the profits of the casino.  If a guy can get a break calling himself an Indian, he will call himself an Indian.  When he doesn't get that break anymore, he well may become a Frenchman because chicks will think he knows all about fine wines and he might get luckier.  But you know all this.

You will have to take my word for what happened in Illinois because it appears that you are loath to look it up yourself.  Let me help you out.  'Supreme Court Illinois Concealed Carry'  Copy it and then paste it into that little google window.

And the whole point of that was I was getting tired of hearing you whine about how the supreme court had rammed things down your throat, like you were some kind of victim of unfair assault, when in fact it happens to everybody on the other side when the Supreme Court rules, of which Illinois and concealed carry is an example.  It is the duty of the Supreme Court, as proscribed by those saintly founding fathers who wrote up that sacred document The Constitution, to rule regardless of what the majority in some state want.

And furthermore, as I pointed out in the last letter, you only think the supreme court is being high handed when it rules against you.  When it is on your side you think it is fine and dandy.

Now I think I shall have another cup of joe.

PS.  When my spellcheck comes across Beaglesonian it thinks I want to say Beatlemania.  Geez.

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