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Monday, April 27, 2015

The Golden Rule

Not the one in the Bible, the other golden rule: "He who has the gold, rules." The rich people have always controlled this country, and most other countries for that matter, and they always will. Who else is going to do it, the poor people? If they are smart enough to rule the world, why aren't they rich? Money buys power, but that's not so bad considering the alternative, which is violence. Well there's one other way: bullshit, but it takes money to get your bullshit out to the people, so we're right back where we started from. Most politicians start out as lawyers. Have you ever heard of a poor lawyer?

I don't think it would be any different if there were no political parties. If we didn't have political parties, we'd have something else, and it would be run by rich people too. The Democrats are no better than the Republicans in that respect. Poor people might be more likely to vote Democrat, but I doubt that there are any poor people among the party leadership. Democrats might be more generous to the poor than Republicans, but not with their own money. All they do is take money away from some people and redistribute it to other people. They seem determined to reduce everybody to the lowest common denominator. Where is the money going to come from then? Why, from the government of course, because they are the only ones who can legally create money out of nothing. So we all end up becoming wards of the state, and the state, in it's infinite wisdom, will decide exactly how much money each of us should have.

I told you that my findings about the Indians were preliminary. What I need to do is call the Sault tribe headquarters and ask them exactly how many of their 40,000 members live in Cheboygan and Emmet Counties. Then I suppose I should call the Little Traverse Band and ask them the same question. I don't know if those traditionalist Indians have a headquarters, but My daughter use to hang out with them, so she might know. I'm going to wait until I see her in person because I also want to get her take on why some of these guys are not reporting themselves as Indians in the census. She is way more of a people person than I am, so she might be able to make sense of this.

Okay you're right, the gay marriage thing is not going to have a material impact on my life or my marriage, but that doesn't mean I have to like it, or vote for it.

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