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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The votes are in Gennelmens

I didn't remember if the polls closed at six or seven so I dropped in at my polling place to inquire,  While there I discreetly asked about those ballots that went into the metal cabinet, and I was assured that they had been counted and perhaps they had been because my candidate, Lori Lightfoot, won.  Well actually she took 17%, Preckwinkle the reformer/boss took 16% and Bill Daley (yar mayor not prez, my bad) had to concede after pulling in 15%.  Now there will be a runoff between the two top vote-getters which 67% of the people voted against. 

Richard I was commonly called a crook, but it wasn't technically true.  While he was surrounded by cronies who stole rampantly he never partook himself, living in that Bridgeport bungalow the whole of his life.  Richard II came in with the patina of a reformer (Actually so had his dad), and he was better on diversity (The story about Richard I was that he considered eleven Irishmen and a Swede diversity), not so hot on corruption and deadly afraid of ever raising taxes, why Chicago is in such a hole right now.  The worst thing he did was sell off revenue from parking tickets so that the city will not receive that money for like a hundred years.

Trump and Sung are engaging in some mild petting right now, the real makeout session will be tomorrow.  It hasn't gotten much coverage because nobody expects much to come of it except for some blather and some tear-stained hankies waving as they depart.  The real story is Cohen's testimony.  Yesterday's was behind closed doors but today's will be in front of preening and battling congressmen, a far more interesting show than the goings-on in Hanoi.

Oh yeah Pakistan and India, two nuclear powers who hate each other's guts now exchanging gunfire.  Nothing happening here, move along.

Practically speaking a prez can be impeached for whatever the house decides it wants to impeach over, but with the reps holding the senate even if they discover that he and Putin, holding hands, went on a shooting spree down Fifth Avenue the senate will never convict.  The jury is still out on whether or not a sitting prez can be prosecuted, probably nothing happening on that front before 2020.

Speaking of 2020 I was not pleased to hear some embittered Hillaryites carping about Bernie flying on a private jet while campaigning for her.  These petty grudges do not become my ilk.  As the Rolling Stones sang fifty years ago:

Why don't we sing this song all together
Open our heads let the pictures come
And if we close all our eyes together
Then we will see where we all come from

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