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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Americans for the Americas

At the risk of letting my imagination dive off the deep end I was wondering if South America has the potential of becoming a sleeping giant.  Most of the nations share a common language and since there doesn't seem to be much animosity between them it seems possible to me that some of those countries could join up to form larger nations.  What's to stop them?

Historically, the US has done a good job of ignoring South and Central America, putting most of it's attention on Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.  This is unfortunate, especially considering that just about all the nations of North and South America are members of the OAS, the Organization of American States, which is like NATO except that it's our own back yard.  One of the principles of the OAS is "An act of aggression against one American State is an act of aggression against all the other American States," an idea that can be used to great advantage instead of building walls.

The Americas, both North and South, have geography on their side in that they are impossible to invade.  Sure, we can get bombed to hell and have missiles landing in our bedrooms but being invaded?  I think not; no nation has the capability to maintain the necessary supply chains.  And it isn't like we wouldn't try to stop them.


I've been trying to pay a little more attention to geography lately, mostly due to another YouTube channel I stumbled upon.  This guy has some interesting stuff, talking about problems that some nations, like Russia, China, and India have with geography.  Some of the stuff never occurred to me, like arable land, population distribution, lengths of borders, and natural resources.  For a taste, you can see what he has to say about Brazil.  He covers other topics too, like why public transportation in the US sucks and why trains are so expensive.  Plenty of worthwhile stuff to check out, in my opinion.


Nobody's mentioned the recent death of Lyndon LaRouche, one of the all time great political nutjobs.  Which is just as well, I suppose, since there doesn't seem to be shortage of political nutjobs these days.  When I heard of his death I remembered another guy who was just as goofy but was active in the Chicago area: Lar "America First" Daly.  Remember him?  He was always running for mayor and never got anywhere.  I should see what Wikipedia has to say about him.  

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