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Sunday, February 3, 2019

At a Loss For Words

I have been thinking all weekend about how to respond to Uncle Ken's last post.  I read a couple of articles on my news app trying to learn enough about the issues he raised to be able to discuss them intelligently.  One thing I learned was that Elizabeth Warren's "soak the rich" proposal is not about taxing annual income, it's about taxing existing assets that a person already owns.  This would seem to be more like a property tax than an income tax, or maybe like a pre-inheritance tax.  Anyway, I found this article tonight, and it covers the issues in question at least as well as I could have, maybe better:

I remember when Hillary was working on her health care proposal when her husband was president.  People were calling it "socialized medicine" in those days, and I seem to remember that the general expectation was that it would provide "free" health care.  Of course it wouldn't really be free, but there would be no charge to the customer at the time of service.  What she came up with was something similar to Obamacare, with people being forced to buy health insurance from private companies.  This doesn't sound like socialized anything to me, it sounds more like monopolistic capitalism.  I don't know about other people, but the reason I was against Hillarycare was that I believed it would generally raise the cost of health care, not lower it.  I believed the same thing about Obamacare, and that's what seems to have happened.  To be fair, we don't know if Obamacare raised the cost any more than it would have been raised if Obamacare had never passed, but we do know that it certainly didn't lower it.  Trump's attempt to "repeal" Obamacare was nothing of the sort. All it would have done was reshuffle the deck and re-brand it as Trumpcare.  As I have said before, I would support a single payer system like Canada has, but if our guys can't come up with any better health care proposals than they have so far, I would rather just keep things the way they are.

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