Hispanic is kind of a strange word. Generally it means somebody speaking Spanish, but here in the USA it means something more specific when it comes to identification on forms, It doesn't have that awful gender specific ending like Latin, but it's kind of old and fussy. Chicano was a popular alternative in the sixties, but it never caught on. My blonde haired friend of German descent who came from Chile would be considered Hispanic. Ah well it 's kind of a conundrum sorting people into specific categories because people tend to move around and to intermarry.
The PC people weren't even around when Brasilia was being built. It wasn't popular at first but eventually caught on and is now Brazil's third largest city. It was built in the highlands, not in the rain forest. PC is likely an outgrowth of the sixties, but not one that I think much of. Very roughly I would say that it corresponds to the left the way that the Christian right corresponds to conservatism, fellow travelers but not all lefties are pc and all righties aren't Christian. PC and Christian righties are similar in that they are both puritanical thought police. I don't like either one.
It was never the lefties that encouraged cutting down the rain forest it was business interests. It's not a good thing (I was just listening to NPR about how our air bases in Alaska are having problems with the melting of the permafrost), but it's a bit awkward for he US to tell other countries not to cut down their forests after we have cut down ours.
I'm going to vote for Lori Lightfoot, and /I expect that she will lose to Daley and Preckwinkle and then I'll vote for Preckwinkle, and whoever wins that run off and is elected I will probably hate in about six months. I too am surprised that there are so few mailings. In previous years they have had to move the trashcans right next to the mailbox at election time. The mailers were like huge and barely fit into our little mailboxes. It wasn't worth the effort to even try to read the names as you poured them into the trash. Maybe the candidates have learned from that. TV is pretty full of ads.
OAS is indeed very weak. Do they even have meetings anymore? Anyway it is probably best if its neighbors take care of the situation. Nobody there has fond memories of American troops marching in and fixing things. It is dangerous to have an ignoramus as the head of the gummint at times like this, but mainly I think he is just using it bash the dems with the word socialism and has little interest in other details. Right now he is flying to the open arms of charming Kim Il Sung.
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