Our mayoral elections have been non-partisan for maybe the last twenty years. Well it made no sense to have a meaningless republican primary and afterwards a general election where everybody knew the democrat would win. There was a self-made Black businessman and an ex-cop who might have been republicanish, but the rest were dems the range being from connected to outsider.
Lori got my vote as an outsider but now she is going to have to run against a big insider and she's going to have to go somewhere to get the dough, so we'll see how it goes.
I think the reason we had so many candidates is that the current mayor Rahm dropped out at the last minute without anointing anybody which left a huge vacuum and a lot of people said what the hell.
Whitewater never got the Gate appellation, it was just Whitewater. I wouldn't say it came to nothing, Clinton did get impeached and came close to being convicted and losing the presidency in the Senate. The issue the reps used to impeach were perjury and obstruction of justice. I don't think anybody, besides that 35% Ever Trumpers, believe the present prez hasn't done both things in spades.
Newt and his successor both fell due to their own martial indiscretions during the Clinton impeachment and the people were so pissed off that Bill got a big boost in the polls. That's one reason I differ with the base in impeachment. If you can't kill the king, don't try to.
As the reps pointed out maybe a thousand times Cohen is a convicted liar, but then he was being disagreed with by Stone and Trump, also two very big prevaricators, You know with those reps who spent most of their time saying what a very bad man Cohen is, I'm surprised that nobody asked the question, if he is so bad, why did Trump, the smartest man ever to be president (many experts say so), choose him for his personal attorney and keep him on for ten years.
I certainly didn't like the guy when he was lying for Trump, but now that he is on the other side he doesn't seem so bad. Well anybody being insulted by the howling jackals of the rep questioners is bound to attract a little sympathy. I never watched Palidan but I understand that he was like a gun for hire, and maybe there is some feudal loyalty in that, in that you expect the guy you give your loyalty to to not have your back if you get into trouble. You certainly don't expect him to offer you up on a silver platter, so maybe there is something to be seen in a guy who wants vengeance for the breaking feudal rules.
Or maybe he is just trying to save what he can of his skin. In any case the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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