The SOTU was pretty boring. By and large everybody was pretty well-behaved. I didn't see any smirks or leers. There was one moment when Trump was bragging about all the jobs he created for women and all the white-clad dem women stood up and applauded clearly applauding oh, women's rights, rather than Trump which took him aback, but he didn't get insulting about it. After awhile the reps started chanting USA USA to reclaim the moment and then the women joined in the chant to reclaim their moment and then, well, ok, it was pretty silly. He was still talking when I went to bed.
This just in. The Sun-Times hit my door after I posted and I discovered that much of what I have written about the women in white was wrong. Trump was talking about the number of women in congress when they arose, and the chant USA USA came from them not the reps. Ir was late, I was tired.
I'm all for a graduated income tax, but I don't like property taxes. If you choose to build a nice house and keep it up why should you pay more taxes than that guy in the shack down the road who spent all his money on sex, drugs, and rock and roll? I don't know if the same principal applies to that asset taxation thing. Proposals from candidates are just trial balloons, or, to mix metaphors, stuff thrown up against the wall to see what sticks. I don't think anybody is saying that there should be limits on wealth, But there does seem to be something wrong with the top one percent owning forty percent to the country's wealth.
I don't know if the high cost of health care is due to running out most of the mom and pop hospitals. Have you noticed the proliferation of mini clinics? Like my doctor is allied with Rush, but she works out of a little mini clinic down the street. A friend of mine fell down some stairs and instead of going to the emergency room he went to a Northwestern mini clinic where they took x rays to rule out broken bones and patched him up and gave him some medicine and sent him on his way in a couple of hours. Speaking of x rays I remember getting a chest x ray lately and the price came out to like $400. Was kind of surprising but didn't cost me anything because of insurance, and of course that was not what the insurance company paid, so what did it mean? That's one of the troubles with current health care, nobody knows or cares what anything costs anymore.
I had to look up that Nancy Pelosi thing about the bible quote. The bible says so many things you would think that whatever your cause was you could find a quote to back it up. Then there is this whole category of things the Bible didn't say, but probably would have if It had had the time. Well the whole idea of backing up the validity of a statement by saying it is in the bible is dubious. If it doesn't stand up on its own, then claiming it is in the bible does not give it any more weight.
Is Beagles dropping out of the regular weekday postings? I hope not. Anyway will be waiting for a report on Otavo Yo.
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