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Thursday, February 7, 2019

carry me back to ol virginny

Well no Otava Yo wiki page, though I see them listed in what appear to be Russian and Finnish music venues, though the articles might be in Russki.  I guess I will have to go the dreaded YouTube.

Olive branch?  Oh I guess he said some pablum words about unity, but I didn't see him conceding anything, and how do you deal with a guy like him who has reneged on so many deals? 

Of course this is all just about the wall, and perhaps more intrinsically, about what is a wall?  The dems are saying well this and that. smart devices, border protection, and the republicans are all well, it really doesn't matter, if it was just reps and dems they could probably come to some agreement, but what really matters is Trump, and he is kind of border protection, but he craves some physical impediment, maybe that steel bollard thing, though sometimes he lapses back to concrete.  Possibly the reps and dems could come up with some solution where there is something physical and something else, sort of a wall, but I don't see Trump going for that because he doesn't really care about the wall, what he cares about is another victory for Trump.  I'm guessing he is going to reject any agreement between the reps and dems.  Even his dim blonde brain realizes that the shutdown will go against him, so I'm pretty sure he is going to go the emergency powers act, which is likely to lose in the courts, but then he can just rail about how he needs to put more of his people in the courts,.

How about old Virginny?  Remember how back in our youths after a few brewskis we would pull out the shoe polish and slather it over our faces?  Yeah me neither.  And that was twenty years before the gov and the attorney general went for the Shinola.  What is with these guys?  I think maybe the gov could have gotten away with a heartfelt apology if he hadn't gone for the cockamamie tale of it not being him and not knowing how the photos got in his yearbook, it;s just, you know, insulting to be lied to that ineptly.  And the Lt Gov is stuck in a he said/she said thing, not unlike what toppled poor Al Franken, but maybe the dems aren't so quick to pull the trigger these days. 

Not that they have a  trigger to pull, it appears that the Old Dominion's impeachment process is so unwieldy that even the reps don't want to try it, even though if they get rid of the gov, the lt gov and the AG, they get down to a republican to put in as gov.  I think all three of those guys are going to stay put.

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