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Friday, February 1, 2019

the vortex vanishes

Seven degrees here this morning and should be climbing steadily through the weekend.  I declare the polar vortex over.  Just regular winter, though colder than usual for the rest of Old Man Winter's visit.  And hey January is in the rearview mirror.

The headline says Kamala Harris is backtracking on Medicare for all.  I didn't read the article because there will be so many like this as the primary begins to heat up.  But it is disheartening.  The American people are just so tetchy about their health care even though the rest of the western civ nations all have socialized medicine and are doing quite well with it.  I was reading an editorial against it yesterday and I was looking for where is the flaw but all the guy could say was how it couldn't happen because the people, spurred on by the insurance companies, would be agin it,

Hilarycare never got anywhere and the Clintons took a serious hit for even talking about it.  Obama lost a lot of his popularity with Obamacare, but once it was there the republicans got into trouble by trying to take it away.  People realize that we have a terrible health care system yet they are terrified of any attempt to change it.  Go figure.

That soak the rich plan is Warren's.  Two percent on incomes over 50 million and three percent for every dollar over a billion.  That doesn't seem like too much to me.  I don't see where this is too onerous, the arguments against seem to be that it will cause less money to trickle down, and that people will move their money out of the country.  There is also the slippery slope.  If it doesn't collect enough money maybe they will move the limits down until Joe Sixpack is paying it too.

I don't see Trump and especially Pence being tumbled.  Two thirds of the senate.  It will never happen.  The bull is gored, let him bleed for two years and then we can elect, um, somebody.

The river doesn't freeze all that often.  There is ice in it at some point every year but in the twenty-six years I have lived alongside it  It has only frozen over like three or four times.

The temps on tv are taken from O'Hare, sometimes Midway, sometimes from some suburb or neighborhood, almost never from the lakefront where temps are generally a little different.  My Yahoo weather takes it from my zipcode and seems to come closest to the weather I feel when I go outdoors.  Infra Red Thermo, how does that work?

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