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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Missing the bus

Buildings can be constructed greenly and end up using a lot less energy in their construction and in their maintenance, and isn't that laudable?

Yes it is but my objection was to the notion of applying new rules to all existing buildings and structures.  Not every window needs to be triple glazed, nor every roof a solar panel.  Improved building materials can be mandated but first all of the many construction and building codes will have to be modified and that means legislative changes; don't hold your breath.  I think this is a non-issue because newer construction of all types includes many forward-thinking ideas of the green persuasion.  The smart money is already betting on the green ideas without onerous meddling from the government.  It's fine to establish new regulations for new construction but I think older buildings should be exempt in most cases.


High speed rail is amazing and amazingly expensive.  I think all high speed rail lines are losing money and require heavy subsidies from the governments that operate them, but I could be wrong.  Rail lines are almost perfect for freight and bulk cargo but not so great for passengers, I fear.  Transportation in the US is a mess on many levels, even bus companies can't stay in business to provide reliable service between smaller towns and cities, or so I've read.  Is it possible to travel to Traverse City from Cheboygan without a car?


Latinx is a new term for me, too.  I think it's hilarious that the terms Latino and Latina are offensive because they are gender specific.  What are they going to do about the rest of the Spanish language or other languages that have gender specific words?  I don't think this a fight worth waging; it's like they are trying to make words less descriptive and useful.  Oh, well.  Every generation or social sub-group develops it's own vocabulary and way of speaking; sometimes the changes stick but mostly they fall out of use.  I'm still waiting for the NAACP to change their name,  Really, who uses the term colored anymore?

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