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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Let a thousand pundits blab

As Old Man Winter gives Beaglesonia a final thrashing I'll have to judge Chicago's winter as nothing special except for those very cold days a few weeks ago.  There wasn't any prolonged accumulation of snow, no disruptions in city services or transportation except for that brief cold spell, and no snow for Christmas.  I think there was more snow on Thanksgiving than Christmas, if memory serves.  It might be too early for a final grade but I'll give this winter a "C" anyhow.


Nothing much has happened in Hanoi yet and we'll be sleeping if it does; they're thirteen hours ahead of Chicago (twelve ahead of Beaglesonia).  I've heard Trump talk about how much in love he is with Kim and it's starting to creep me out.  I'd like to read some of those "lovely" letters he's received; should Melania be jealous?

And what the hell are Pakistan and India up to these days, trying to use up their bombs before they reach their expiration dates?


Things have been dull on the AI front lately, and then I read this.  One of the features of AI systems is that they teach themselves and they are getting so good at it that they are learning to lie, cheat, and do anything necessary to get the results that are expected of them.  Our dependence on these systems is not likely to end well, in my opinion.


This has been a quiet election in my neck of the woods; not many yard signs or flyers hanging on doorknobs.  It's probably due to all the people running and it won't be until a runoff that campaigns may heat up.  I did notice something new this year, though: political ads, for both mayor and alderman, on YouTube.  I have an ad blocker on the laptop so I didn't start seeing them until I started using the iPad to watch some videos.  I think my iPad is too old to run ad blocking software; I keep getting messages that say they "can't be installed on this iPad."  Bummer.  Anyhow, a funny thing is that the ad software is smart enough to know I'll be voting for an alderman but not smart enough to know which ward I live in; it can't decide if I live in the the 46th or 47th wards.  Hint to bots: it's the 47th. 

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