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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

No news is good news, or not

It's always nice to look forward to something, as Uncle Ken hinted at when he mentioned pitchers and catchers.  Although still below the horizon, spring (and baseball season) is lurking and will be upon us before we know it.  But there is threat to the world of Cracker Jack.  In a first, there is a minor league ball club that will be banning peanuts from their ballpark.  I can see the benefits for the greater good but it saddens me to see that such steps need to be taken and I wonder what the future holds.  Will peanuts be banned from all public venues?


I've been ignoring a lot of the news lately so I missed the flap about the antisemitism which, as Uncle Ken states, is really anti-Jewish but there doesn't seem to be a better word for it than antisemitism.  I'm about ready to give up on figuring out the situation in the Middle East except to state that it all goes back to the Western nations that determined the current boundaries after the two world wars.  I wonder if any conflicts could be resolved without the outside influence of the big nations like the US, Russia, China, the EU, or any of their neighbors waiting on the sidelines trying to pick a winner.  You can see why I didn't have a promising career with the State Department.


Other news I've been ignoring is that which covers income equality, taxation, and all that mess but I did catch a bit about the difference between taxing income and taxing wealth, courtesy of Bill and Melinda Gates.  Makes sense to me that wealth should be taxed in a different way especially since I've read that Amazon paid zero taxes, again.  I'm disappointed that all those graduates of egghead schools of economics can't come up with a better system.


First it was the screen of my laptop that bit the dust and now it's the keyboard that's acting up and it's driving me crazy.  I have a big old Microsoft keyboard plugged into a USB port and it works like a champ, even if it is a beast with more keys and special buttons than I know what to do with.  There's a mouse plugged in, too, so it's a funky yet functional system.  One step forward, two steps sideways, and I'm not used to this big keyboard yet; I don't use it unless I have a lot of typing to do.  The laptop's keyboard and trackpad are good enough for routine computer usage, for now.

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