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Monday, December 19, 2016

Siberian Express

That's what our TV weather people called this blast of arctic air we have been experiencing. Do your TV weather people have cute names like that for the various winter weather patterns? Our guys are saying we are about done with the Siberian Express now. The next thing they are predicting is an Alberta Clipper for Wednesday. Alberta Clippers aren't so bad, it's the Saskatchewan Screamers and the Manitoba Maulers that you've got to watch out for. Then there's the Weather Channel, out of Atlanta Georgia. They give Greek names to winter storms, this last one was called Decia, or something like that. I wish they wouldn't name those storms, it just encourages them. They only have been doing that for the last few years, and it seems the storms have gotten worse in that time. Of course most of it is Obama's fault. He promised to do something about global warming if he was elected, and he did. Maybe we will get better weather after Trump takes over.

Speaking of Trump, it seems like the recount efforts have all fizzled out, and the Electoral College mostly voted the way they were supposed to, in spite of the thousands of email requests to do otherwise they received. For better or for worse, it looks like Trump will be our president, at least for awhile. I doubt that his connection with the Russians will do him any harm, it never hurt FDR.

I used to bake those frozen loaves before I started making my own bread. I liked them, but I like mine better. We used to buy Bohemian rye when I was a kid, but Grandma's was better. I ran out of my own bread a few days ago and didn't have time to make more, so I bought a loaf of French bread at our local supermarket. I had forgotten how much I liked French bread. I seem to remember looking for a recipe on the internet, but I don't remember why I never made any. I'll have to look it up again as soon as things settle down around here.

I never pay attention to the food fads that are always going around. One study says that something causes cancer, and another study says that it prevents cancer. I just eat and drink what I like, and I ain't dead yet. I started substituting margarine for butter when I met my hypothetical wife because that's what she liked. It's not about cost or health concerns, we just prefer the taste of margarine to butter.

We don't do anything for New Year's Eve, but we celebrate Groundhog Day because it's our anniversary. We didn't specifically plan it that way, it was just a coincidence. I also like Groundhog Day because it means winter is about half over, although it's not six weeks for us, more like eight or ten. I remember visiting my parents once in April after a winter in which they got as much snow as we did. After I helped my father take the snowplow off and put the mower deck on his lawn tractor, we compared snow pictures. The only difference was that his were taken a month ago and ours were taken a day ago.

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