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Friday, December 16, 2016

fifty years and no household hints

Household hints. It was in my mind to add some of my own, but after five minutes of letting my brain go tika tika (love that expression) I have nada.  Half a century of preparing my own food and I have nothing,  Perhaps something will pop up in the writing of this or maybe over my wild weekend, or maybe not at all.

I googled Heist, it didn't seem like my kind of movie.  Some (perhaps Old Dog.and certainly some reviewers) consider genre movies to be their own art form, and when one of them is done very well by the prevailing rules of the form they think it is a good movie, but I like my movies to be odd, and even if they don't work out right I can still like them for trying to do something.

As long as I am on the subject of movies, how about those cheapass reality shows that the guys in Finders Keepers were on?  Holy shit, no wonder we wound up with Dumbo.

Motorsports, is that what you call them?  Sounds like those guys that call gambling gaming, and hunting harvesting.  I have run into that umbrage from other Nascar fans when I have used that phrase, part of the reason I use it all the time;  If it weren't for the car wrecks you would spend the whole race looking at the ass end of the car in front of the car with the cam.  It makes golf look exciting.

It would seem like the flow of electrons is what makes consciousness, but maybe the hormones washing through and whatever have something to do with it.  I think, and I know I am just talking out of my ass here, that you can't have life without emotions.  On the other hand even though emotions may be driven by hormones perhaps it is only when they are translated into emotions that we actually feel them.  And what of the deep well of the unconscious mind?  What would the computer version of that be?

As usual I am not following any links,  If there is something there I want to hear it in the writer's own words.  If there is some pertinent paragraph or two copying and pasting is just fine,  I know I posted the link to that New Yorker article, but I don't do that very often, and I put a lot of what I was saying in my own words when introducing it.

So I'm still not sure what the Maillard Reaction is though it sounds like some chemical change, and Maillard, probably some proper name, sounds a little Frenchy to me.

I was about  to sign off with some mention of Old Man Winter's icy grip when I got to thinking geez how bad is it going to be at the top of the top of the hat on top of the hat on top of Michigan and I did a quick check, and you know, not so bad, a good twenty degrees warmer on that killer Sunday/Monday, what's with that?

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