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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Gonnella, baguettes, and pancakes

We have the same weather names that you have.  I think all those weather guys and gals go to the same school.  Half of their schooling is in meteorology and the other half in joking with the sports jerk.  But of course there is not just one, they have a crew.  Our crew has a car, well /I thought it was a car, but it turns out that it is a mobile weather unit, with maybe a thermometer in the glove box.  They drive around to different spots in the city and burbs and ask the locals if it is hot or cold enough for them.  

I don't know what the fuck is with those recounts and that electoral college nonsense.  I mean neither one of them had a snowball's chance so why pursue them?  I don't know why Dumbo's people were against them, they couldn't lose and it gave them sort of a second victory.  I didn't realize that FDR was cozy with the Russkies, unless you mean WW II, in which we probably couldn't have beaten the Krauts without them.  

Was Sixta's bakery in your purview growing up?  It was around 54th and Kedzie.  Sometimes we got bread there as a break from Wonder.  I think Gonnella bread was sold there too, still popular here.  Comes in those uncut loafs with the hard crust, from the name I guess it is Italian, more like a Roman Meal if you ask me than that beige bread wrapped in cellophane.

The Frenchies call their loaves baguettes.  I remember watching a French prison move not  to long ago and all the hardened criminals were protesting because they didn't get their baguettes.  I guess they just meant bread but it sounded like some dainty French pastry or something.

In my youngest days we used to stay up till midnight and then there would be an assemblage of noisemakers, little horns, some kind of clapper, some really obnoxious contraption that had a thing that swung around the handle and made this grinding noise, which we would take onto the front porch and raise holy hell.  It was cool because up and down the block were our neighbors doeing the same damn thing.  One year my grandpa Janovsky had me eat a chunk of pickled herring for good luck, and I don't believe I have eaten any fish since.  When I came of age the goal was to get as drunk as possible, which was pretty easy to do.  Anymore I take myself out to a restaurant and then sip beer at home or maybe a bar or two, but not too much so that I can see the fireworks on my balcony and then it's off to bed and another year down the drain.

Groundhog Day is interesting to me because it is like the only stop on the highway to spring on a dark and snowy day.  Oh there is Valentines, which is big for lovers and Walgreens, but not so much for me.  Ground Hog day is right smack dab between the solstice and the equinox. It is some kind of Catholic holiday with the charming name of Candlemas, and has roots in pagan religions of course.

Just looked it up at wiki and it turns our that it is a day to eat pancakes, which takes us pretty close to bread and I think that's where we started, so I'm done for today and tomorrow will be the shortest day of the year and the first day of winter, and the sooner you start winter, the sooner you are done with it.

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