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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

child sex slavery at the pizza parlor

So there was a comment on the Beaglestonian.  I don't think I have ever seen one before.  Maybe Old Dog commented once or twice before he became a full-fledged member of this noble institution.  It seems like Beagles explained what he was thinking and I wonder why he didn't say that in his post.  Perhaps he was seeing if we paid attention.

Magnetism is just electricity, only different of course, but I don't see it having any effect on rain.  Megan Glarus, the Channel Two weather girl never says anything about how the magnetic field is flowing on a particular day.  I wonder if I-35 might have something to do with that abrupt westward descent into darkness.  After it was built any development west of it would tend to be directed close to the interstate. likewise east of it, but since there is already more civilization that way it wouldn't be sucked up so abruptly.  Well just another halfass theory

Of course what I meant was that I didn't see economic equality ever happening.  Do you guys think that if one person owned everything in the whole world, it would just be something like winter, no particular cause for action, or would you think it was wrong, and something should be done about it?  How about if it was two people that owned everything, would that still be wrong?  All I am saying is that there is some point where the economic inequality is too much.  We may differ as to where that point is, (myself I think it is too highly skewed at the moment), but I think we agree that there is a point.

Globalization is happening whether we like it or not.  It's stupid to stick our heads in the sand.  Free trade is good.  That treaty (I forget the initials) that Obama was trying to pass, that even my hero, the big girl, cowardly turned her back on, was to get us in on some free trade in the east, but without it we are giving the ground to China, who, if the amber asshole has anything to say about it, we are going to go to some kind of war with.

This whole thing about jobs being lost by factories fleeing to the third world is a bit of a red herring, not that some of that isn't happening, but most of it is being lost to automation.  We need to do something else with our hands to earn our pay, and I like Old Dog's idea that we should all be making movies, every man an extra, and there are so many of us, think of the biblical epics we could make.  We could all spend our days dragging blocks of stone across the desert under the cruel lash of our overseers.  Ah job security.  But it isn't really because CSI will steal our jobs for automation.  I hate CSI.  When I read a review and they praise the CSI like this is something important, I am, well, beside myself.

How about this guy from North Carolina (same place as the guys fighting over the leg came from) driving up to DC to save those child sex slaves in the pizza parlor from the big girl?  How about Dumbo's three million votes that his minions (and at this point all elected republicans are his minions), dare not even roll their eyes at.  Truth is being automated by a bunch of Macedonian teens on crapass sites that republicans site because if it is on the internet it must be true.

I've said it before, but I've never meant it as much as now, we are all going to hell in a handbasket.

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