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Friday, May 1, 2020

the latest in conspiracy theories

As you know I have been tracking deaths in Illinois at: (130 deaths today, a new high, shitfuck), and I have previously suggested to Beagles that he look at: but I reckon he hasn't because if he had one thing would have stood out: Wayne County (Detroit).  Almost half of Detroit's deaths happen there.  And there are 500 more deaths there than in Cook County which was a much greater population than Wayne.

So if you do a bit of researching you can make some sense out of why the numbers vary so much.  I'll leave Sweden for Beagles to do the hard work of internet research because I am tired of doing all the research at The Institute.

Well certainly some numbers have been fudged, people in power want the numbers to be low so that the way they handle their situation doesn't look so bad, but I think it's a a bridge too far to use that to build some conspiracy theory basically out of whole cloth.  (Making up something out of whole cloth sounds like a good thing, but the actual meaning is to make something out of thin air).  And since you are making it up out of thin air why not accuse somebody you don't like anyway?

Beagles will be pleased to note that the latest target for this blame thing is his favorite enemy Red China.  Well sure, they lied about it initially, but that's a fry cry from the latest conspiracy that they created it, made it themselves in their labs.because well why do evil people do anything?  Because they are evil people.

It should come as no surprise that this theory has found a happy home in the White House.  It gives him a distraction from the incompetent and lying way that he has dealt with the corona, and better yet it gives him an enemy which is something he always needs.  Oh and the latest wrinkle is that it allows us not to pay back China all the money they have loaned us.  Expect to see more of this.

Quite a sight those protesters in Michigan, heavily armed lunatics with placards full of misspellings and those poor state troopers having to stand in front of their screaming droplet laced unmasked mouths.

And I think Beagles is giving his fellow Michiganders the short shrift, like they are just sitting there waiting to do what Gutsy Gretchen or the craven horde of Trumpists tell them to do.  In some of these states that have opened up, a lot of store owners have kept their stores closed anyway because that is the smarter thing to do.  I expect the same thing will happen with Michiganders regardless of what the courts decide.

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