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Friday, May 1, 2020

No Conspiritors Here

I never alleged that there was a conspiracy, just that the numbers look a little fishy to me.  I found the information on Uncle Ken's link to be consistent with what I have been saying all along.  As I said, most of my information has come from the TV news and our local paper.  From those sources, I have learned everything I care to know about Sweden, so I don't see why I need to research that subject.  I found the report that Sweden was doing a little better than Michigan without locking down to be interesting, although I never claimed that it conclusively proved anything.

I am not sympathetic to those protestors in Lansing.  Ever since the 60s, I have believed that most protest demonstrations were counterproductive at best and dangerous at worst.  You get a bunch of people all excited and crowded together like that and no good can come of it.

There are three main reasons that I disagree with Governor Whitmer's executive orders.  First, I question their effectiveness, since the numbers have steadily risen since the first one was enacted.  The numbers might have been worse without the orders, but there is no hard evidence of that because we have nothing with which to compare.  Other jurisdictions enacted their lockdowns either earlier or later than Michigan, but there are too many variables involved to draw a definitive conclusion from that.  Second, the impact of the lockdown seems to be hitting the small businesses and rural counties the hardest.  Third, Whitmer seems to have found a loophole by layering the orders so that each new one begins before the previous one expires.  I don't know about the letter of the law, but I'm pretty sure that the authors of it did not intend for states of emergency to go on indefinitely without legislative approval.  Apparently our legislature doesn't think so either because they are preparing to file a lawsuit as we speak.  To my knowledge, Whitmer has not presented a legal defense for her actions, at least not yet.  She seems to be saying that she can do whatever she deems necessary, with or without the legislature.  Of course our president has expressed the same notion from time to time, and I disagree with him on that as much as I disagree with our governor on this.


5/2 - It seems that Michigan isn't the only place where the natives are getting restless.

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