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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

let's change the subject fer krissake

Well of course I know about the house party, I imagine most of the country knows about it,  I don't know why Beagles didn't just say it instead of hiding it behind a link and making me click on it to see what it was.  Don't I already do most all of the Institute internet research as it is?

And it was pretty egregious but also it is anecdotal.  I would not use the anecdote that Beagles only dons his bandana when somebody asks him to, (and noting the bad fates that had come of that request who is likely to do that?) to imply that rural people are not putting their shoulders to the wheel of putting the corona behind us.

I get lost in the fiddle faddle of Michigan politics but I guess what Beagles is saying is that he is not breaking the law about masks because it is no longer a law, but I wonder if he was obeying it when it was a law.  If those county sheriffs can have better things to do than to enforce a law that they do not care for what becomes of the fact that immigration law has to be enforced because it is the law period?

Right that woman who flashed Beagles that polite smile meant it to say that she was so happy that you were going into her store maskless so that you could more easily spread the disease which you may have, to her coworkers who could then pass it onto her and her family. 

Well I hate to be so irritable but the corona does it to us all.  Big spike in Illinois deaths this morning after five days of decline.  I have been trying to think of something else to write about but so far nada,  Well there is Trump, but that is even staler.  I will give it twenty four hours to see what I can come up with.

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