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Monday, May 11, 2020

Seeing things

To mask or not to mask, that is the question.  In Illinois, if you are outside and can maintain the social distance of six feet you don't need one.  Breathe free, citizen!  But, and it's a big but, if you're not outside but in a store or business, mask up!  Taking public transportation?  Mask up!  In an outdoor situation where you can't maintain your distance?  Mask up!  It's not complicated but I'm not going to get into any arguments about whether or not they are effective (they are, somewhat) or if we should be thinking about "us vs. them."  Life is full of risks, some more acceptable then others.  Some folks aren't wearing masks but they are in the minority around here.  Other folks wear masks but take non-essential trips on public transportation, ignoring requests for self-isolation.  So I say "Meh."  Besides, the masks do nothing to protect the eyes, another entry point for tiny airborne particles of the virus.  Where are the government mandated goggles?


As I've been digging into the data of Covid-19 fatalities I've noticed something curious.  A graph of the daily Illinois deaths show a steady increase with a dramatic drop every eight days or so, in a steady pattern.

An odd coincidence, I thought.  But then I found a site that shows global daily deaths and also for any country you choose.  I cherry-picked the data for the United Kingdom and the US and the graph shows the same pattern, a drop every eight days or so. 

Now I'm thinking this isn't a coincidence but I have no idea what it indicates and I'm out of tin foil.  Any ideas?

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