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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Looks Gerrymandered to Me

Uncle Ken did not provide us with a link, but the text looks like Wiki to me, so I will accept the data contained therein.  Like I said, I was not very familiar with this case, but I am more familiar with it now.  It looks like they traded some counties on the Lake Michigan shore for some counties on the Lake Huron shore, which may have contributed to our district swinging to the right after years of loitering on the left.  I thought at the time that the swing to the right was largely driven by the passage of Obamacare, and I still think that had a lot to do with it. Nevertheless, that 2013 map looks gerrymandered to me.  The only remaining question I have is: If the court found the redistricting plan to be illegal, why didn't they order a do-over like the plaintiffs requested?
"On February 1, 2019, the court rejected a proposed settlement in which maps for some state House districts would be redrawn in advance of the 2020 election."

Good guys - bad guys:  As Uncle Ken has pointed out in the past, good guys sometimes do bad things and bad guys sometimes do good things, nobody is perfect.  Nevertheless, the line must be drawn somewhere, otherwise how would we know who to vote for?  I'm sure the bad guys have their share of loose cannons too, but Trump is the one upon which we are currently focused.  As I have previously said, I would consider voting for a Democrat who had rehabilitated himself and started acting like a Republican.  He wouldn't have to call himself a Republican, just act like one.  Indeed, the first presidential candidate I ever voted for was George Wallace back in 1968.  Okay, he was running on a third party ticket at the time, but he reverted to the Democrats in 1972, and I voted for him again, even though I had to vote on the Democratic side of the primary ballot to do it.

I read in the paper yesterday that you guys had a bit of a flood on Tuesday.  The central part of the L.P had one too, a couple of dams blew out and 10,000 people had to evacuate.  We didn't get anything like that here, just enough rain to bring out the morel mushrooms and set the woods to greening up.  

Speaking of court cases, I saw on the TV news this evening that the court declined to issue a preliminary injunction against that rebellious barber in Owosso because "The state has not demonstrated that the barber shop remaining open poses a danger to the people."  This means that the shop can remain open while the case wends its way through the courts.

For all of our many new fans out there:  Uncle Ken's comment about me being without sin dates back to a discussion we had on the subject of sin some time ago.  Uncle Ken defined sin as doing something that you know is wrong at the time you do it.  While I have certainly done things in my life that I regretted after the fact, I don't remember ever doing anything that I believed to be wrong when I was doing it.

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