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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A clarification...

I have failed Uncle Ken in providing the information he sought.  There was an embedded link to the public health site but the text color didn't change to show that it was a link.  Sometimes the color changes, other times it doesn't so that is something I have to work on.  Here is the full link:

When you get to the site, scroll down until you get to the section labeled "Test Results Change Over Time." and then select "death."  You'll see a graph with only five or so bars; go to the bottom of that graph and select "all time."  A dandy graph appears that shows the date of the first fatality, March 17, and continues to the present date.  In this case it ends at May 4th, yesterday.

You can easily move your cursor around to select particular dates and see the actual numbers.

The extreme spikes in the graph are bothersome but I attribute to the way the data was collected.  Some counties may have been running late in getting the data to the central office so those numbers were added to the next day's tally, but that's just a guess.

If today's numbers drop a little I'll go out on a limb and say that we are over the hump but I'm not putting any money on it.

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