I know what a loose cannon is, I know how the metaphor works. I'm pretty sure most people do. How it has any application at all to the current situation with Trump is where I was, and continue to be completely at a loss. Pirates, weren't battleships most of the time fighting the ships of other nations rather than pirates, and weren't loose cannons a problem with the pirates as well? And if the British ended up with a loose cannon when they were fighting our revolutionary forefathers did that make our side the bad guys?
We also have a system of electing judges in Illinois and it is a terrible system. Every election day there are like two complete pages of judges that you never heard of. Before the election various groups and the two newspapers list who you should vote for. Which is most of them. Except there are a few stinkeroos, mountebanks and incompetents. If you happen to remember that handful of votes when you enter the booth you can vote against them, but it won't matter because most people don't remember any such thing and vote for everybody just to get on to what they really want to vote for. The result is that almost all of them regularly get elected, mountebanks and drunks and dunces included. Myself I always vote against all of them on the theory that it won't hurt the guys without obvious blemishes but combined with the negatives of the good citizens, who remember who to vote against them, might sink the boats of the obvious stinkeroos and put them at the tender mercies of the buccaneers, Oh wait, they are the buccaneers.
It was the supreme court which is unelected, which ruled to let the Michigan gerrymandering continue. I myself have nothing in principle against unelected bodies, but Beagles apparently does, or anyway he does when they might interfere with elections that favor the republicans, probably not when they would favor the democrats. Actually his idea that his district is too large to be gerrymandered, that size has anything at all to do with gerrymandering, makes me think that he does not even know what gerrymandering is.
I reckon what makes Beagles upset with the gov is not so much that she is an outlaw as that she is not his outlaw. Well normally outlaw is a term for folks who live outside the law, but in Beagles's case it simply means somebody he doesn't like, If the situation was the same only the gov was a rep and the legislature was a dem then it would be the legislators who were the outlaws.
In a better world Beagles would test people's worthiness in the crucible of logic, but Beagles just uses that to condemn people he doesn't like in the first place. But what can you expect of a person who claims that he has never sinned in his entire life?
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