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Monday, May 25, 2020

No Quick Fixes

Thanks to Old Dog for the tips on growing your own yeast.  I have heard of that before, but it always sounded like more trouble than it was worth.  I might try it some day, but I don't need another time consuming hobby in my life right now.  What I was looking for with the baking powder was a quick fix, and it seems like there is none.  Some weeks ago, a guy I know who lives Down Below reported that he couldn't find yeast for awhile, and then he could again.  First there was no bread in the stores so he started making his own, then there was no yeast, then there was yeast again.  I don't think there was ever a bread shortage in Cheboygan, but there was a flour shortage for awhile.  Now we have flour but no yeast, and so it goes.

It seems like there is no quick fix for this corona thing either but, come to think of it, nobody ever promised us one.  The state of emergency was only supposed to last a month or two, but that was just to buy some time until a long term solution could be worked out.  It seems that, rather than work something out with the legislature, our governor thought she could just keep extending the state of emergency indefinitely.  Our legislature offered to codify some of her orders if she would back off on the others, but she would have none of that, so they declined to extend the state of emergency, rendering all of her orders null and void.  Our governor then claimed that she didn't need the legislature's approval to extend the state of emergency, and the matter is now being debated in court.  Since then, our governor actually has backed off on the very orders that the legislature wanted her to, but she asserts that she did it because she wanted to, not because they wanted her to.

Meanwhile, I read about a similar case in Wisconsin that had recently been resolved by their state supreme court in favor of their legislature.  Uncle Ken commented that the Wisconsin state legislature was gerrymandered in favor of the Republicans, which reminded me of a gerrymandering controversy we had in Michigan some time ago.  My memory of how the court case turned out was vague, so Uncle Ken challenged me to look it up, which I did.  Now he seems to be saying that the only reason I approve of the court's ruling is because it favors the Republicans.  While it certainly does my heart good to see the Republicans win one for a change, the main reason I approve of the ruling is that it is consistent with the Tenth Amendment.  It's nice to see a court upholding the Constitution as written instead of rewriting it to suit their own activist agenda.  If it took the "introduction of two toadies to The Supremes", to accomplish that then maybe we need to re-elect Trump so he can appoint more such "toadies" in the future.  

When Uncle Ken refers to a choice between Trump and Pence, I assume he is talking about that failed impeachment thing because that is not the choice being offered on the ballot this November.  The choice on the ballot will likely be Trump and Pence versus Biden and somebody else.  I considered voting for the Libertarian candidates like I did last time, which is equivalent to voting for "none of the above" but, at my age, I never know which election will be my last, and it might be fun to "stick it to the man" one more time before I die.

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