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Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 The original anti vaxers were a different breed than the post covid anti-vaxxers of today.  As Beagles points out they are probably still around but vastly outnumbered by the current craziers.

It all began with a scientist investigating autism who claimed in the 70's that vaccines were responsible for autism.  The report was debunked in the late nineties, but not before it had drawn a pretty good number of adherents, to whom the debunking meant nothing.  Here's the weird thing about all this.  Millions of people will follow somebody who they never heard of because he is wearing a white coat.  But when hundreds of other white-coat wearing guys with better credentials, who have the actual proof for anybody to look over, say it is a lot of hooey, the believers still adhere to the first nut.

It's like when the climate deniers rally around some rogue scientist who says global warming is a bunch of hooey because he is wearing a white coat and from Yale, but then when you point out that 99% of white coated guys from Yale say global warming is a fact, they are all like, oh what do they know.

The vaxxes were rushed but they still had to pass all the rigorous tests that any vax has to pass, and of course we have more knowledge than we did say twenty years ago and greater technology.  And the choice was between some quirk showing up years down the road and a very good chance of death for you AND your loved ones in a few weeks.  It's no contest.

Covid is rising right now because of the delta and now the omricon variants.  Even so those who have been vaxxed are like a hundred times less likely to be hospitalized or die than those who have not had it.  Again, no contest.

Nobody had seen this virus before.  There was some knowledge of viruses in general, but there was a lot of stuff that had to be found out.  Like when you hear a new noise in your Ford Truck.  It may be this or it maybe that but you won't know until you lift the hood.  And now there is still plenty of stuff unknown.  If you are not being told the whole truth it is because nobody knows the whole truth at this time.  But the guesses of the experts are better than the guesses of the guy on the next barstool.

I don't recall anybody saying that wearing masks would eliminate the problem.  What they said was it would make it better, and high school physics and biology of the sixties make it clear why that is so.  And adjusting for population density and climate fewer people died in places where most people were masked than where people weren't.  No contest

The vaccine may well have been crushed in the USA if more people had been vaxxed.  How is a vaccine going to work if only half the people take it?  And then those people who are sabotaging it, say see it doesn't work.  Idiots.

We were always going to have to learn how to live with the virus.  Because of idiots.  

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