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Friday, January 28, 2022

closing cases and letting my freak flag fly

I think I went through the fact that we can never know anything absolutely at the beginning of my last post.  Nevertheless we have to go about our lives and not stare at our hands all day and wonder if the hand is really there and if it is ours and if this is not just the fevered dream of a lizard person. So I am basically believing that the Brown Line will take me to the Ten Cat tonight and not to the planet Uranus and on the way I will be reading my New Yorker and I will not be looking up from my article every five minutes and wondering Gee is that really true.

I believe that Beagles brought this up, and correct me if I am wrong Master of the Freehold, to somehow defend the anti vaxxers, because how can we know that way more people die from covid than from vaxxes because we only hear it from the news and we don't personally know any newsmen.  I believe the news, Beagles believes the news.  Case closed.

Alleged is only used for people who are charged with a crime.  Case closed.

Remember when the non-vaxxers were claiming that they wouldn't take the vax because the FDA had not approved it.  Then in August the FDA did approve it and that made no difference in the rate of vaccination.  I believe that the varied reasons the idiots use for why they are not getting vaxxed are bogus, just something they make up on the spot because, well who knows why, but I think it is tribal.  The tribe they belong to is against the vax so to remain true to their tribe they do not get the vax.

Kind of like back in the day how we hippies fought all attempts to make us cut our hair.  Kind of silly maybe though I want to add our hair did not shed poison dandruff that would kill other people.

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