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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wasn't that a mighty storm?

Well what else did anybody expect?  Since the entire Republican senate, minus that rascal Romney, gave him a golden forever get free card, he has been unchained, no make that unmoored.  For a year now (has it only been a year?) he has faced only yes men and the press who have no power and he can bully at his will.  

How dare that Chris Wallace, who as a Foxie should have been admiring his new clothes, have the temerity to tell him to stop interrupting?  And here was this Biden, this Sleepy Joe, who Trump had long been sneering at calling Trump a liar and a clown and telling him to shut up.  

Biden was proving he was no senile old man and Trump was showing he was an even bigger bag of wind than people had expected.  Surely I expected this was going to move the needle a few points.  But then I had to pause as I realized that the an even bigger bag of wind was to his supporters, like the guy who marries the fat girl, that much more to love.

She started it.  The three of us all grew up with sisters,  Remember those little squabbles and Mom bursting into the room and you defending yourself with that line?  And likely Sis was saying the same thing about you.  And Mom was not interested in determining who started it, she just wanted it to stop right now.

And maybe it didn't matter in those situations because likely half the time you started it and half the time she did, so it all evens out.

But in the case of the debate Trump started interrupting first in almost all cases, what was Biden to do?  If he didn't interrupt back later he would look like a stiff, he would look weak.  And then the reaction was well they were both yelling a lot so a pox on both their houses, like Trump's instigation didn't matter.

Well you guys know what side I am on.  It looked to me like a clear victory for Biden, likely to move the meter a few clicks among independents which is the best that could be expected.

After the debate CNN was all on my side like I expected them to be, so I quickly turned the dial to FOX.  What looked like bad matters and attempted bullying to me looked forceful to them.  They gave Trump points for being forceful.  Biden who interrupted less, mainly just in response to Trump's bullying, was seen as less forceful, which was a bad thing in their eyes.  Nevertheless they seemed to be calling it a draw.  If FOX was calling it a draw that had to be a big victory for Biden.

Back to CNN they had some kind of focus group, about a dozen folks dressed in light jackets and sweaters sitting in lawn chairs about six feet apart.  Independents, who Beagles likes to call wishy washies, and I am pretty much in agreement with him on that.  Blah blah blah, they all seemed disgusted with the whole affair, but then came the moment of truth.  How many were more inclined to vote for Biden.  One hand.  How many were more inclined to vote for Trump.  One hand.  Well what the fuck, who chose this group of stiffs?

You know there is a certain amount of prissiness among these independents.  Many of them are all like Oh, I have such high ideals that I can't dirty my hands with that awful political business.  They make me sick.  

Anyway here I am in the morning listening to the spinmasters.  I know the dawgs are not as fond of politics as I am, but I wonder if they watched the debate and what their opinions are.

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