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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Chicago is Not Detroit

I guess I should have known that because we have discussed it in the past.  Last I heard, Detroit was 80% Black, 15% White, and 5%  "other".  Maybe the reason Chicagoans get along so well is that nobody has a majority.  Your police force, on the other hand, seems to be a good old boy fraternity that needs to be broken up, or at least shaken up. 

I understand that there is a qualitative disparity between Michigan school districts, but not between individual schools within each district.  That's because some districts serve areas with larger populations and thus higher tax bases.  I suppose the Detroit schools are not as good as the suburban schools, but I have never heard of one school in Detroit being better than any other school in Detroit.  I assume that the Chicago schools are all in the same district, so why would one school in Chicago be any better than any other school in Chicago?

Here's one for the "You ain't seen nothin' yet" department:

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