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Monday, April 3, 2017

taking back the country

Ah yes, the silent  majority, the guys who worked hard and loved their country as opposed to those who smoked marijuana and protested and clearly loved their country not at all.  I believe those spectacle of themselves making people were called by the dark-jowled prez and his dimwitted partner, bums.  Remember those scenes of clean-cut construction workers beating up shaggy-haired, dope-smoking hippies?  And now it is the construction workers who are shaggy-haired and dope-smoking.

I wonder about this term, regular people.  Sounds pretty good, everybody wants to be thought of as a regular guy.  People who aren't regular they're wrong somehow aren't they?  I guess regular also means kind of not  high-faluting.  Generally rich guys and politicos and celebs are not considered regular guys, well not in general, but they often have their flacks portraying them as regular guys, you know they still like to drop in at the local pub and have a beer with the guys and listen to what they are thinking about, get their thumb on the pulse of America and steer that jolly old ship into warm and smooth waters.

Another phrase I wonder about is taking the country back.  This implies that whoever the taker is has had the country, which presumably is rightly theirs, taken away by somebody else, and now they are going to take it back away from them.  I just can't see how somebody can have the country much less have it taken away and then take it back again.  I can see where somebody might want to elect someone and pass some laws, but I don't see how that equates to taking their country back.  I guess the phrase is popular because it sounds, well, forceful, regular, American.

And speaking of force, where is it?  All those anti Dump demonstrations were peaceful.  When Dump fires up his crowd, they chant wildly and their jaws slaver, but then they get back in their cars and drive home (maybe cut off some guy with an Obama sticker) and watch Dancing with the Stars.

Have either of the dawgs watched Dancing with the Stars?  When David Ross, the Cubs' catcher of last year retired he went on Dancing with the Stars so I, well I watched it.  It was terrible.  I thought that there would be a lot of dancing which would be boring but tolerable, but it was all like glad handing and everybody telling each other how great they are, and everybody all smiles like they are having the greatest time in the world and isn't this all so exciting.

I think there are a bunch of these shows, American Idol comes to mind, and I think they are hugely popular, when i am reading regular news sometimes who dd what in American Idol pops up.  It is a whole frightening world out there.  Just thought I would let you guys know.

Blue Dog Coalition?  I'm thinking Old Joe Manchin and that woman in one of the Dakotas, are there more?  I can't imagine what their agenda might be.  There were more of them when Obama was ramming his care down the throat of Beagles and his ilk and they gave Obama a fucking lot of trouble.  Nice play on yellow dogs though, one wonders if there is talk about green dogs somewhere in between like when they call swing states purple states.

Bib overalls were popular among a certain subset of hippies, I guess the back to the farm guys and gals who never actually went back to the farm but wanted to look like they were about to because, well I guess they thought it would be cool.  We never used the term dungarees, it's an old timey word that I thought would go well with the turnip truck, and perhaps allow me to slip my favorite root vegetable into the conversational halls (do we have more than one? I think so.) of the Institute much as i can tell that Old Dog is itching to tell us what he learned about twill.

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