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Monday, April 10, 2017

Who Are the Good Guys?

I got caught up on this Tomahawk thing over the weekend, turns out it had nothing to do with ISIS. You guys seem to know more about the Mideast than I do, so answer me this if you can: Who are the good guys? I always thought that the Israelis were the good guys, but we don't hear much about them anymore. I understand that the Saudis are supposed to be on our side, but I think they're just in it for the money. Most of the other players don't seem to care about money, they just use it to finance their unholy war against us and each other. It's a little early to tell, but it looks like Trump doesn't have any more of a cohesive Mideast policy than any of his predecessors. It's just drop some bombs here and send in some troops there with no discernable long range goals in mind. We are the Americans, we are supposed to be the good guys, and we should be supporting other good guys all over the world so that they can be like us when they grow up. If we're not going to do that, or if there are no good guys, then we should just stay home and mind our own business.

The United Nations is supposed be promoting world peace but to my knowledge, they have never done that. The first big thing they got involved in was the Korean War, and that's still going on more than 60 years later. What they did there, and everyplace else that I know of is wait until the good guys start winning, and then call a cease fire. This gives the bad guys time to rest and regroup, insuring that the conflict will go on indefinitely. Call me paranoid, but I think they do this on purpose. The best thing we can do with the U.N. is to expel all the diplomats from the U.N. building, and then bring in one of those teams that blows up old buildings so that they collapse into their own basement. I would say blow it up with the people still in it, but good guys don't do things like that.

None of my 88 acers is suitable for agriculture, which is why I got it so cheap back in 1986. It's not really good for commercial timber production either, but it supplies me with more firewood than I can use, or have time to cut. I mostly bought it for hunting, and it's okay for that, but there are better places to hunt around here. The best thing about it is that I have it all to myself, which alone makes it worthwhile in my book. It's quiet here, nobody bothers us, but the neighbors are close enough to be of help in case of an emergency. Everything we want to do is close at hand, except for visiting my daughter who lives some 50 miles away. It's not for everybody, but we like it.

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