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Monday, April 10, 2017

The cradle rocks

Very good synopsis of the Syrian mess from Uncle Ken.  I found a (short, 7 min.) YouTube video that says pretty much the same  thing: . 

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and maybe this is it: According to Korean news agency Chosun, the "Chinese army has deployed about 150,000 troops to the North Korean border in two groups to prepare for unforeseen circumstances."

Oh boy, 150K troops sounds like a lot, doesn't it?  I'm still wondering about all this global intrigue, and how much is posturing and theatrics.  The Tomahawk attack is suspect in my mind since planes were flying out of the airfield a day later.

Which got me wondering about an old movie from '97 that dealt with a phony war to distract attention from a sexual scandal during a presidential election campaign.  The movie is Wag the Dog, and I gave it a repeat viewing this past weekend.  Years ago this dark comedy seemed a bit unlikely and far fetched but current events cast it in a completely different light, a fine example of prescience.


Mr. Beagles has mentioned that he is the proud steward of 88 acres of the finest marshland that Michigan has to offer and I had to do a little calculating to visualize how big an area that is; maybe Uncle Ken will find it informative.

Imagine an area, if you will, bounded by State Street on the east, Kinzie on the south, Wells Street on the west, and Chicago Avenue on the north.  That's eighty acres, so add 10% and you have the total area of the Beaglesonian Freehold.  Quite a spread, but how much of it is arable, and what kind of mosquito problem is there?  Sorry if those questions have already been asked and answered, but I lost my homework.


Here's another can of worms for you guys to consider: what do you suppose is required to make the United Nations more effective in resolving international conflicts?  I'm thinking that some of the national boundaries, arbitrarily drawn in the 20th Century, should be reconsidered.  It's ironic that the big problems of the day are occurring in the "Cradle of Civilization."

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