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Thursday, April 6, 2017

the majority report

Well hell's bells Beagles I guess you are a minority of One living with the majority of Everybody Else so I don't  know why majorities make you nervous.  You've lived with them your whole life and right now you are sitting pretty on your 88 acres of paradise and the gummint sends you checks every month and nobody is making you marry your gay dog, though I am working on that.

I guess none of the factions in the republican party want to bolt because they all think that they are the one and only true republicans and if anybody is going to leave it ought to be the other guys, hence this RINO thing.  The guys who call other republicans RINOs are nothing like the republicans of yore, even the one guy who all republicans agree was the greatest man that ever lived would be knee deep in RINO accusations were he still around today.

Now we are hearing about the Tuesday Group a loose coalition (note not officially a caucus, more like well dressed folk dropping in for tea, the other kind of tea party if you will) of moderate republicans.  Wiki tells me if has 50 members, that's way more then I thought there would be. And there are only 32 Freedom Caucusers.  They are a subset of the Republican Study Committee which numbers 172 all of whom are pretty damn conservative but I don't think they drink each other's blood in secret ceremonies of the full moon like the Freedom Caucus does.  Not so tasty but it gives their jaws that slathering look that is so popular among that crowd.

I think by now when Formosa is a faintly annotated footnote to history we can start calling the Red Chinese just the Chinese, especially since they aren't even red anymore.

Old Dog seems to feel that we will muddle through us urban and rural, blue and red who all fundamentally want the same thing standing nest to each other neck deep in the big muddy at flood time, we shall have to link arms and stand united so that when the swell passes we will be muddy but standing tall.  Well not quite what Old Dog said, but something like that.  He's not so sure about global leaders though.  I think it's the current tendency of all the nations to go nationalist and alone staring venomously at each other over the parapets. I don't like it.

I'm a little worried about this Syria and North Korea thing.  The dumbest thing Obama did about Syria is mentioning that red line.  The smartest thing he did was not to do anything when the red line was crossed.  Poison gas is a terrible thing but what's the practical difference for the victims between them and barrel bombs?  Which makes me wonder why did Assad do it.

We all now how W was itching to be a war president from the time he picked prickly Dick for his veep, but for all his faults Dump not so much.  But you wonder if a nice little war wouldn't unite America behind him.

Of course Syria would not be a nice little war.  There's North Korea, but nothing about that war is nice or little either.  Probably it calls for a coup.  Somewhere in that forest of big hats on the reviewing stand one of those guys is thinking Jong-un is nuts, I could run this country a lot better. Surely we are whispering sweet nothings in his ear and waving greenbacks in his face.  Prolly so are the Chinese and maybe the Russkies though you have to think that Putin sees Jong-un as a fine broth of a lad.

Since I've spent so much of the morning with wiki:

Twill is a type of textile weave with a pattern of diagonal parallel ribs (in contrast with a satin and plain weave). This is done by passing the weft thread over one or more warp threads then under two or more warp threads and so on, with a "step," or offset, between rows to create the characteristic diagonal pattern.[1] Because of this structure, twill generally drapes well.

Weft and warp huh?.  And so on and so on and dooby dooby do on we are all just regular people standing in the big muddy, except for that swamp guy who is The Minority.

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