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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

So It's True!

Back in the day, there were some people who believed that the rock music of the 60s was evil incarnate, not just ugly and unpleasant, pure evil. They claimed that the lyrics, as if anybody could understand them, were all about sorcery and Satanism. Some said you had to play the record backwards to hear it, but it was in there for sure. I thought they were just paranoid at the time, but now you tell me it was true! I'll have to take your word for it because I never could make any sense out of that garbage. To me it just sounded like a bunch of cannibals chanting "ooga-booga" over and over again while they danced around a fire where a missionary was boiling in a big black pot.

While I can agree that nobody is perfectly good or perfectly bad, I still maintain that are good guys and bad guys. Some of the good guys are gooder than others, and some of the bad guys are badder than others, but everybody falls on one side of the line or the other. Just ask people if they are good or bad and they usually will tell you. They may qualify it by saying something like, "Well, I'm not all that good, or bad." but they usually know what side of the line they are on, and they're proud of it.

I don't know where you got the idea that I'm against government. Of course we need government, but maybe not as much of it as some people think we do. The most important job of government is to control factions. (I didn't make that up, I think George Washington did.) The trouble is nowadays the factions seem to be controlling the government instead of the other way around. You got your racial factions, your ethnic factions, your religious factions, your anti religious factions, your corporate factions, and your anti corporate factions, to name a few. The more power we give to government, the more power we give to whatever faction happens to be in control at the time. I'm sure there are just as many crooks in corporations as there are in government, but that doesn't mean that either corporations or governments are bad things, just that they have some bad people in them.

Okay, explain to me how a crooked board of directors can make money paying an excessive salary to a crooked CEO. Does the CEO kick back some of that money to the board members? It seems like the board would be further ahead to cut out the middle man and just keep the money in the first place. On the other hand, if the company makes money, the board makes money because they are the company's major stockholders, so it would seem to be in their own best interests to hire the most competent CEO they can afford. I agree that some of those salary figure seem quite high, but then I'm not sure exactly what a CEO does at work all day, or how hard it is to find a replacement if he quits.

I don't know why the feds are letting those goofballs out west get away with all their shenanigans. Maybe the West is just too big and the federal forces are spread out too thinly to be effective against the faceless hordes. Maybe that's why they call it the "Wild West".


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