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Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Yasser Arafat was the cheese of the PLO.  The PLO has been around a long time, and as these things go with insurgent groups, and I guess all groups, they may begin with fire-eaters, but after awhile they aren't eating so much fire, and some guys get into it just to get ahead, and it becomes corrupt.  And it hadn't had much success in liberating Palestine.  Hamas was the new shiny fire-eating incorrupt organization on the block.  For some reason Israel and the US let the Gazans have an election to choose their leadership, never dreaming that they would vote in Hamas which is what they did.  So now the Gazans live on this tiny strip of worthless beach with Israel to the north and east and Egypt to the south and the sea to the west which is monitored by the Israelis and madmen running the government and every now and then they take some little potshot at Israel who retaliates massively, but still they pick themselves up and launch another potshot.  They are hard to deal with, I admit.

I'm a little pressed for time today so I am going to look up that Gaza strip election later.

The population of various middle eastern people is increasing more rapidly the population of their, what do you call them, white, residents, but they are not near to becoming minorities.  Did you ever hear the story of the marching Chinese where if they were to begin marching out of China four abreast the march would last forever because there would be enough left behind to continue to make babies.

I suppose a bear could always migrate along the railroad tracks like that cougar was thought to have done and climb up Marina City and tiptoe past me while I am watching the murder channel on tv and eat me down to the bone when I went to take a leak or grab another beer, so maybe I should buy myself a shooting iron.  I could probably buy a nice holster and wear it on my canoe trip to Beaglesonia to attend your wedding to your gay dog.

I'm finishing up this post in the pm because I had to leave early this morning and i just heard the network news guy in a preview on the local news say they are going to have an interview with your guv over this Flint Michigan thing.  Maybe there will be fodder for the institute in that.

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