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Thursday, January 7, 2016

good suits and fine ales, the fruits of capitalism

I'm kind of interested in those guys who you ask if they are bad and they tell you, "Why yes I am, why do you ask?"  I don't think I know anybody like that.  Of course I never come right out and ask them, wouldn't seem polite, but I reckon, since they are proud of it, it might come out in conversation as in, "I prefer a pale ale with a hint of lemon and pine, a bold bitterness, and a dry citrus finish, but maybe that's because I'm a bad guy."

But then you are saying that badness is in the eye of the beholder, so I imagine to you if somebody tells you that they can't wait for the big girl to win the election and run this country the right way, you would assume that this was a bad person.  Myself, I would prefer that he preferred to live in Bernie's socialist paradise, but I imagine if he was drinking an India pale ale and not one of those stupid wheat beers I would think he was alright,  I don't even talk to people who are drinking yellow beer, unless it's Pabst Blue Ribbon, something about that label I guess.

You think that now that Russia is full of mobsters and kleptocrats who like 90 percent like Putin and probably hate America as much as they did in commie days, that they are rehabilitated?  What if we had lost the cold war?  It's not like we actually won the cold war, we don't fly the stars and stripes over the Kremlin, and we didn't even get like a slice of the Crimea.  How about some of that string of islands west of Alaska, we could have extended Freedom into a couple more time zones?  The USSR just fell apart like a cheap suit, perhaps because they were tired of wearing cheap suits.  I remember when Khrushchev visited the USA and tongues wagged about his ill-fitting suits, has to wear on a guy.  Your ilk, the Reagan worshiping faction, which, let's face it, is all of your ilk, thinks Ronnie defeated the Russkies with the jawbone of an ass, no wait, Star Wars, not the movie, the thing with missiles in outer space that nobody ever quite understood, which is just as well since none of it ever worked.

But what if we had lost the cold war, not so much as we had commissars in Des Moines (of course they would never dare to enter The Freehold, they might be commies, but they aren't crazy), but simply the USA collapsed while the USSR stood tall, which I guess would prove that they had the better system and wouldn't you then be behooved to rehabilitate yourself and become a commie?

I'm a little shocked that Obama's tinkering with some little details of the gun laws meets your approval, if not the manner, then the substance.  I thought you were committed to fighting for gun rights inch by inch like a WW1 battlefield, where you were glad to have AK 47s legal, because that was one more fight before the anti gun nuts would have to fight before they could get into the swamp and take Old Betsy from your yellow beer stained hands.  Most of the pundits are saying it won't get past the courts, but if it does, I'm sure the big girl will keep them, and right now she looks like a shoo-in if we have a third party, which it now looks like we will, but again this is the republican primary and anything, anything at all, can happen.

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