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Friday, January 8, 2016

looking cool, impressing chicks

I always wanted to be a bad guy, in the sense of being a tough guy.  I tried to comb my hair into a ducktail, but it seems like I could never get the right grease and it kept falling apart.  I raised the collar in the back of my shirt, I wore pointy shoes, I practiced my swagger and tough guy phrases.   I hung out in front of Talmans with a cig dangling from my lips trying to look like a rebel without a cause.  But to be a really tough guy I would have to like steal hubcaps.  Remember stealing hubcaps?  It was like the JD thing.  Remember juvenile delinquents?  They seem almost cuddly now with their switch blades and their zip guns,  I thought West Side Story was way way cool.  And besides stealing hubcaps, hoods were expected to get into gang fights, and sometimes to roll a guy.

Well I was way too weenie to do any of that.  A guy could get in trouble, a guy could get hurt.  I just wanted to look the part, you know like the guy who buys the hat and becomes a cowboy.  Speaking of which, I hate to say it, but those guys in Oregon really look cool in their cowboy hats and flannel jackets, hanging in groups of four or five with that taciturn look, though when given a chance they talk way too much because none of it makes any sense.   You know who else looks cool?  ISIS.  I know you don't watch CNN, and I don't much either, but it's on in the gym with the sound off.  When CNN has one of their breaking news (which it never is, breaking, that is, it's the same crapola they have been going over and over and over for the last four hours) stories behind Wolf Blitzer they have this video clip in a loop.  When they do stories on ISIS they put one of their propaganda clips into the loop.  So there you are sweating and gasping for breath and you look to the tv and there are Wolf's lips moving and behind him these black-clad guys are brandishing super weapons and flags and jumping in and out of these cool pickup trucks with machine guns in the back.  Way cool.

Now in the September, maybe the weekend after Thanksgiving, of my life I am a little puzzled as to why i wanted to look like a tough guy when I was such a weenie at heart, and really didn't approve of stealing hubcaps and rolling guys, a switchblade would be cool though, that ominous click, but I certainly didn't to stab anybody and even more get stabbed.  So why was I doing that?  Well of course, to impress chicks.  I mean why do we ever do anything except to impress chicks?  If there weren't chicks around to impress we would probably both be lagging pennies on Christiana Avenue.  That's why I don't get these jihadi guys.  Their women are all locked up in their houses and when they do come out they are wearing those things where sometimes you can't even see their eyes, so how can you tell if they are impressed?  I don't get it at all.

I'm pretty sure the USA is just as guilty of imposing their opinion on people in other countries as the late great USSR.  We have certainly done more invasions of other countries than they have.  I think it's generally assumed that Russia is being led by mobsters and kleptocrats.  Ivan Sixpack is probably not one, but you know he loves his Putin because he thinks he can make Russia great again.

I don't know why you are so touchy about presidential edict.  Isn't it in the constitution?  I'm not sure about that, you are the constitutional scholar, but anyway it is generally recognized as the law of the land?  And didn't the majority vote for the prez? 

What if your man Rand (anything is possible in the rep primary) gets to be prez, but the dems take both houses and they pass a bill to take Old Betsy out of your hands, and the only way to keep that from happening is for Rand to do a presidential edict, are you going to tell him not to issue it because you don't approve of presidential edicts?

I don't understand the details on this particular edict, it may be that the courts will rule against it, so then things should be fine with you.  It may be that the courts will rule for it, which will displease you in principle, though not in content, but that will be the law of the land.  Everybody knows that if the reps win the edict will be dead as a doornail, but if the big girl wins it will be set in stone, so the public gets to choose.  What could be more American than that? 

As for why those gun control regs were left out, I think you are being awfully coy pretending that you don't know why that was.  Could it have been the NRA and the republican party who are currently having conniption fits about it?  Is that possible?

This whole thing where things should only be enacted by 'additional legislation' is really hypocritical.  Where is the GOP healthcare plan?  Where is the GOP immigration plan?  Where is the GOP allowance for a few minor details in gun control which most of the country is for? 

Obama is frustrated by the refusal of congress to cooperate with his agenda and so are most of the American people and he is doing what he can about it, and that, my friend, is politics in the good old USA.

Wrote down "Internet research on CEO salary" on a piece of paper and set it by the computer, so I should have something for you Monday morning.

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