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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

how to fire six guns at once

Of course I don't think you are so reasonable, you are much more right wing than most of the people I know.  You are pretty temperate about talking about things though, you don't fly in a rage and spout slogans like much of your ilk, and you are always ready to submit the issue to the good offices of wiki.  Well this is after all the forum for reasonable discussion among reasonable people.  You would think there would be more than two of us reasonable people, but so it goes.

There was one of those obviously false billboards on fb yesterday.  I call them billboards because they have like a photo, or maybe some fancy background, or sometimes they are made to look like they are typewritten by one of those old timey typewriters where like the inside of the 'o' is greyed a little, and they include some kind of message (usually political or inspirational) written over the photo, on the assumption I guess, that the background somehow supports the message.  Right wingers and left wingers see them and then share them on their page so they get passed around throughout the internet.  My feelings, and I am sure I have expressed them before, is if you can't say whatever you have to say in your own words don't post one of those damn billboards

Anyway this particular billboard was clearly false (something about a school shooting being averted by an armed guard and the media not covering it).  Fat chance the media would not be covering that so i went to Snopes and sure enough it turned out that the shooter did shoot somebody and that the armed guard had no role in apprehending the killer)  Here it is:  So I posted it to this guy's page and usually I am completely ignored or told to go fuck myself, but in this case the guy actually apologized for not checking it and offered to take it down.  On my part I don't not say "You damn well better you fucking asshole," but merely said something about discussions on both sides in these troubled times and we had best make sure that what we were arguing about was truthful.  So that's some kind of progress isn't it?

I think the more money I am being paid the more I value my job and will work harder at it because I want to keep it.  I think you are right though pay is probably mostly determined about the least money the employer can get away with paying.  And with unemployment remaining high for some time to come you know if there wasn't a minimum wage they would be paying like five bucks an hour and people would have to take it.

I'm too lazy now to look up exactly where the minimum wage comes from, but dollars to donuts it was unions, like the five day week and the eight hour day.  We would have never had them without unions.

There is a case before the supremes right now where some teachers don't want to pay their union dues, because they say they disapprove of the union's political activity, which may be true but dollars to donuts again, they just want to freeload in accepting the job benefits that the union dues payers worked to get them.  Indications are that the unions will lose this case, people will be able to freeload and the unions will be poorer and weaker, easy prey for the republican steamrollers to roll right over. 

You were still a libertarian during the Bush regime?  I thought you turned against them because they weren't sufficiently hawkish on jihadis, but wasn't Rand's pop dovish way before that?

I'm with you on insurance, and I am sure you know that Obama wanted the single payer but the republicans wouldn't let him have it.  The republicans have this weird theory where if we have all these different insurance companies they will be competing with each other like in the free market and the consumer will be able to pick the best one.  Which is all garbage because hey all have to make a profit and medical costs are more or less fixed.  But now they all seem to be consolidating and I have this weird theory that when they all combine into one, it will be so obvious that they are merely taking a cut on transactions and providing no services, maybe then we will rise up and toss them under the bus.

The thing about you gun nuts rushing to the gun store whenever Obama coughs, and let's face it he hasn't mentioned gun control until just lately and you have been running to gun stores since he was elected.  Well not you I don't think.  You have been trying to get a new stock for Old Betsy, but i don't think you have bought any lately. 

Aren't these guys rushing to the gun stores guys who already have three or four, so now they will have five or six?  So maybe they can fire with both hands and hook one to each foot somehow so the toe is on the trigger, and they could probably pull another trigger with their tongue, and maybe they could stick their dicks through the the trigger hole in the sixth ones so that when they get the hard on from seeing the jackbooted feds busting down their doors to take away their guns, that one will fire too.  A little graphic, but I was on a roll and couldn't pause for good taste.

Weren't we going to discuss the women's movement?  That last paragraph I am afraid is not fit for refined young ladies so the subject will have to wait for tomorrow morning.

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