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Friday, January 8, 2016

My Momma Didn't Raise No Hoodlum!

I never did like any of that hoodlum stuff. I didn't like the way they looked, the way they talked, the way they acted, the way they wore their hair, their music, or the movies that were made about them. The only thing I ever admired about the hoodlum culture was their women folk, and I got over that early on. By the time I was in my sophomore year I had come to the realization that I was never going to sleep with any of the hoodlum women. Maybe they did put out, as was rumored, but they didn't put out for me, so there was no point in getting all excited by the prospect. I was just kidding when I said that I wish I had thought about pretending to be a hoodlum just to impress their women. Truth be known, I don't think I've ever tried to impress anybody in my whole life. If people didn't like me the way I was, well too bad for them. I suppose I did impress some people without trying because I didn't go out of my way to not impress people either.

I don't think those Islamics care about impressing their women. Their attitudes towards women don't seem to have evolved much since Old Testament times. If they're trying to impress anybody, it's probably their heathen god, or maybe each other.

The constitution is pretty vague about the powers of the president. I didn't find the words "executive order" anywhere in there. All legislative power is supposed to reside with congress, although the president "shall from time to time give to the congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient;" (Article II, section 3) I think that the president, like the supreme court, has assumed powers and practices over the years, and the congress has let them get away with it for one reason or another.

Maybe the reason the GOP doesn't have a healthcare plan or an immigration plan is because they believe that their constituents don't want them to have one. I have heard the GOP described as "the party of no", and maybe that's what they're supposed to be. Back in the day of Teddy Roosevelt, the Republicans were known as the progressive party but, somewhere along the line, that designation transferred over to the Democrats. Maybe it was when that other Roosevelt was president. Of course the Reps are having an identity crisis right now, and the outcome of that  remains to be seen.

I thought I made it clear before that I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the NRA. My father was, and I used to read their magazine when I lived in my parents' house, but that was a long time ago. By the time those gun laws were passed I was busy organizing my own life and wasn't paying much attention to the news. Some time later, when I bought my first gun under the regime, I didn't have a problem with it, I just filled out a form and turned it in to the dealer. Later they added those "instant background checks", and I have bought a couple of guns that way. While they weren't  exactly instant, they were completed in the time it took me to step outside for a cigarette. No big deal.
I really don't know what all the fuss is about. Maybe it's because a Democrat is trying to do it. Lots of times a Republican can get away with more socialist shit than a Democrat, which is why I voted Libertarian for a decade or so. If the Libertarians hadn't been so soft on Islamic terrorism, I might be with them yet.

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