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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Okay, It's Coming Back to Me Now

Now that you mention it, I seem to remember that PLO-Hamas thing. I guess they are two different political parties like the Democrats and the Republicans, only with guns. I also remember a guy named Yassir Arafat, I think he was the founder of the PLO and used to be in the news a lot, but then he died. Maybe they are still arguing over who should be his successor.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Jews became a minority in their own country, just like the Europeans are becoming a minority in Europe. It's funny how those little countries can put out so many people and then spread them all over the place. Look at Europe during the Middle Ages with those Goths, Vandals, Vikings, Saxons, and Normans all breaking over Europe in waves for centuries. I'll bet more people came out of Scandinavia than there are people in Scandinavia today. Then there were the Huns and the Mongols, both coming from Mongolia. Mongolia is a bleak and barren place, so I can understand why their people would be hankering for greener pastures. But how did such a wasteland generate all those people in the first place? The Mideast is mostly a desert with a few green river valleys to break it up, yet millions of people are pouring out of it and threatening to swallow Europe right up. And you know what? I'll bet when they're done, there will still be just as many people living in the Mideast as there ever was.

I read on Wiki awhile back that Illinois doesn't have an open carry law. Even hunters must keep their guns unloaded and enclosed in a case except while they are actually hunting with express permission from the landowner. Michigan requires that when you transport a gun in a motor vehicle, but an exception is made for people with concealed carry permits. Our DNR is not happy about it but, apparently, the concealed carry law trumps the hunting regulations. When I was in Alaska, the only gun law they had was against concealed carry, everything else was wide open. It was not uncommon to see somebody wearing a pistol or carrying a rifle, in town, in the country, and even in the bars. I don't remember hearing of anyone getting shot, accidently or on purpose, but I do remember hearing about a guy who was apparently eaten by bears and/or wolves, they didn't know for sure because there wasn't enough of him left to do an autopsy. The guy was staying in his primitive cabin out in the boonies, and apparently he tried to go to the outhouse unarmed. Everybody said it was his own fault for being so careless.

I don't understand your question about whether concealed carry or open carry is safer. You seem to be saying that, if one person does it, everybody has to do it. I don't know how many people in Michigan have concealed carry permits and, just because they have a permit, doesn't necessarily mean that they carry their guns around all the time. I don't see a lot of open carrying going on, but I don't get around much anymore. Mostly, if a person is carrying a gun around here, it's for a reason, usually because he's hunting. I just said that, if I felt the need to carry, I would rather do it openly so that the bad guys would leave me alone and I wouldn't have to shoot them in self defense. The advantage of concealed carry is that you don't get accused of brandishing or disturbing the peace or something. If I had to carry a gun in town, you're damn right I would be brandishing because there would be no peace to disturb.

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