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Thursday, February 5, 2015

is it better to flip flop or stay wrong?

First of all I am going to dismiss all anecdotal evidence out of hand as I always do. I did some brief internet research on that thing about more people dying of vaccinations than dying of the flu and couldn’t find anything on that, and just on the face of it it doesn’t pass commonsense logic, so that is also getting dismissed out of hand.

The rest is just a bunch of stuff about how the medical profession often fucks up, and I wholeheartedly agree, but it is right more than it is wrong (since penicillin anyway), and in conclusion I think we can all agree that anybody who doesn’t vaccinate their kids is a moron and a danger to the surrounding neighborhood. I’ll bet you vaccinated your daughter and that you would be alarmed if you learned that a lot of your neighbors, who were sending their kids to the same school as the future wiccan, weren’t vaccinating their kids.

One of the odd things about the anti vaccers is that they aren’t a bunch of backwoods snake-handling types, they are affluent Marin county types. They would probably be good democratic voters but they probably heard somewhere that you can get Ebola from stepping into a polling booth.

A couple repbublicans (Christie and Paul) got their teats in a wringer over this, though both have backtracked, though neither one all the way back. Politicians just hate to admit they were wrong over anything. Nobody wants to be accused of being a flip flopper, though I think it’s not such a terrible thing. It’s better to have been right all along, but if you were wrong it’s better to change your mind and become right than to stay wrong. Changing your mind every election is probably too much, but I don’t see what’s so bad about changing it from time to time.

I say that last because I saw an article where both Clinton and Obama were squishy at one time on vaccinations. I like to think that this was before that study that started the whole furor was roundly debunked.

I guess this last snowstorm was the fourth biggest we ever had, though it didn’t seem that bad to me. I was out walking around in it and I had no trouble. Of course it helps to not have a car and to be walking around downtown which is where the plows go first

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