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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fred Trost, great American, or the greatest American.

Well I guess I get to hear about greasing trailer hitches after all, and from a man who heard it straight from the straight talking Fred Trost. Despite the preface that it’s not that hard and doesn’t take that long, the explanation reveals that it is surely kind of hard, and probably takes up a lot of time, and anytime you get into anything mechanical like that something comes up that you didn’t expect and we all know that everything in the Goddamned world is more complicated than we think it is.

And I have to tell you, not that interesting hearing about it. Maybe someday I will explain how to apply gum arabic to your watercolor paper and ensure that it is evenly spread and how to dry it afterwards and how to adjust your brushstrokes so as to take full advantage of the medium.

I had to do a little internet research on Fred, and it turns out that his downfall was claiming that BuckStop Lure Company Inc’s deer attractant contained cow rather than deer urine, and they sued him and won to the tune of four million smackeroos. I didn’t dig up the details of that landmark case this morning, but I imagine the fatcats at Buckstop Lure lined their bench with fancy city lawyers sporting spats while probably old Fred defended himself with his thumbs hooked into his very best clean and pressed overalls. I imagine sacks of cash with dollar bill signs on the outside were passed between the judge and the spatty guys. Probably at one point jars of deer and cow urine, and the Buckstop potion were passed along the jury.

I don’t know how PBS gets the rep for being notoriously liberal. Once a week for an hour it airs a program called Frontline which is liberal, but otherwise it is all Antiques Roadshow or Downton Abbey. And it seems like every other week there is a pledge drive featuring doo wop singers or Celtic dancers, interrupted every few minutes by minor PBS celebrities pleading for money and repeating the phone number over and over. I would rather be in the jury when they pass the jars of deer and cow urine and Buckstop potion around.

I’m planning on researching that famous case later, but I am wondering how hard is deer piss to come by that Fred Trost thought it was substituting cow piss. This looks like the Trilateral commission to me.

Yeah right, I am going to believe a hunter and fisherman when he tells me hunters and fishermen don’t lie overly much. But then, as you know, I continue to live in the Land of Lincoln whose inhabitants are known throughout the land for not engaging in falsehood, so I just don’t come across lying, except sometimes when I go to Missouri.

Since we don’t have a hunting emporium anywhere near downtown, I can’t say much about the duck calling section, but I find it hard to believe that inventing a new one could amass anybody a fortune. I suppose to really test one you would have to have ducks strapped down with electrodes in their birdbrains and see what their brain scans showed after various calls were, what, blown? Not captivating tv I don’t think, not like watching old Fred grease up a bearing.

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