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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

getting our bearings and turning this country around

Of course I know what wheel bearings are. I was just making little joke to move along the narrative. They are tiny compasses imbedded into the wheel so that if the driver were to get drunk and loose his way, the compasses could correct for it and get the vehicle home on their own. Why then, a unschooled person might ask, do people get lost all the time? Because the little needles collect dust and rust and unless they are properly greased in the Trost manner they will not function. But not that many people watched Practical Sportsman and that’s why you see them wandering the roads. And you can take my word on that, because I am from the Land of Lincoln, and out of homage to that great man, we never tell a lie.

I think I knew that about bucks. I guess that would make sense because Davy Crockett wore buckskin. But then you have to wonder, what about doe skin, was that just for the lady?

I was suspicious about your buck passing story, because it seemed a little odd that they would be passing the buck(horn) around everytime they had a round of bets. Wiki agreed with you for the most part except that the buck was passed at every hand so that they would know his turn it was to deal, which made a little more sense.

Oh yeah we are getting hammered by that Siberian Slicer/Dicer also. Normally I dismiss these crackpot ideas of yours out of hand, but this one has that ring of truth to me. It is just like the Russkies, cold is their weapon. It is how they beat Napoleon, and it was a powerful ally against the Krauts in WW II. You would think those Canadians would do Uncle Sam a solid by blocking the air for us after all we did for them, but I reckon every night is hockey night for them.

Around 1980 we had three terrific winters in a row, and the situation was so dire that the gummint inquired of the citizens if they had any ideas. One guy wrote in why don’t we take the Rockies, which are really good for nothing except a big speed bump on the way to California, and turn them around so that instead of going north and south, they went east to west and thus blocked all that cold air. Of course we might lose the northern edge of our country under the mountains, but the people that live there are mostly crackpots, so who would miss them?

I don’t know why we never did that, but I reckon if Fred Trost were prez we would have.

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